While dead? No. It is based off the items you are currently holding on your character. (Thrown weapons or spent arrows still count)
What this means is: If I start with 4 swords because I want more crafting points and then drop 3 of them and move on with only 1, the system will only count one sword(the one i'm holding). If I pick up Javelins from the ground and throw them all, I'll get points if i get the message for them even if I did not start with them. If I pick up some random cavalry's masterworked heavy lance for less than 30 seconds in order to kill a charging horse, I'll get crafting points for that masterworked heavy lance. True story.
So if you want the message, keep whatever you want on you. Don't drop it. Yes you can throw or shoot items and get the message, but if you DROP them instead of using them, you will not.