Doesn't look bad but not a style I personally am into. The scoreboard is OK though if we can still set the transparency really low
personally don't care about the graphics but more about the usability, that the UI is easy on the eyes and doesn't take away from the actual action on the screen.
IMO a UI for MNB should be presented as easily read as possible with as little clutter as possible.
Clean, simple, visible.I would prefer the Skyrim UI style over this, because it feels less intrusive, no pretty things to look at etc
- I don't want something that I take notice of. It can still have style of course,
but not 'gold' or any other sort of eye catching colors.
Also rename back to StigUI
With the X/Y controls I've put everything in the bottom, health-bar/weapon in bottom center as always, XP bar, time, people alive to the bottom left and the rest is hidden. Everything at maximum 50% opacity.