Author Topic: LLJK Civil War  (Read 16059 times)

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2012, 07:31:55 pm »
In the end, it wasn't hordes of Slavs or the armies of Hospergallers who destroyed LLJK. It didn't take planning or dedicated players. All it took was just the egos of hellowrold and a drug-dealing statutory rapist.

Honestly, I didn't see it coming.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 07:39:55 pm by Slantedfloors »

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #46 on: March 08, 2012, 07:32:25 pm »
my army before I gave it away, sent it at Fallen, or sold it to enemies for cRPG gold as a troll.

Herein lies the problem and what I've been preaching this entire time.  It wasn't your army.  It was LLJK's army.  Did you craft all of the goods to pay the upkeep and buy/craft the gear for the troops, did you craft all the gear yourself or was it a community effort to outfit them, did you tirelessly slave away in a castle recruiting all the troops?  The answer is most assuredly no.  You are a conceited self-centered twat, and this is time you unbashedly showed that to everyone who can see.

In addition, how are we supposed to do anything since you promoted someone who hasn't logged into the game for months to rank 10, and demoted everyone else to rank 1 on your way out.  We're an empty shell waiting for your bros in Chaos to come up and take every last fief away without any opposition unless some other clan gets to it first.

However, I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.  Maybe you'll enjoy yourself more in the clan you always should have been in since you liked them more than us anyways.   I recall the time you told the LLJK in the teamspeak to retract their applications from the battle because we're bad and you didn't want to feel obligated to hire us over your Chaos bros.  Now that will never be a problem for you any more!
« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 07:35:35 pm by Damug »

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2012, 07:41:54 pm »
Someone link the recording of us all singing Solidarity Forever together so many months ago?  For posterity's sake.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #48 on: March 08, 2012, 07:42:55 pm »
You know all I did was say I didn't want to handle leading Strat anymore, and anyone else is welcome to do it.  I just wanted to attack Fisdnar with my army before I gave it away, sent it at Fallen, or sold it to enemies for cRPG gold as a troll.  Zealot and co have nothing to do with my decision to stop managing Strategus duties. Funny that as soon as I said I wasn't gonna sperg out over spreadsheets and steam chats, everyone pronounces the clan dead.  Err.. it's still around ya know, just back to the nomadic barbarian tribe state it belongs, until the next superior sperg decides to lead the horde.

Could it be.. you? 
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don't you dare try to "Dance, Puppets, Dance" with this. you can try play all this off as much as you want, but it comes down to the you are so easily trolled that you essentially lost your marbles because people were mean to you on this very internet horses forum. you are clearly so weak skinned about people talking about your thinning hair, nasally-awful singing voice, and two-faced nature, that you exploded in a impotent rage against bystanding people who were productive and moderately active in the strat part of LLJK, but whose only crime was talking to people who dislike you on the internet.

to people on the outside, this isn't about how LLJK was doing internally, after all, smooth has been saying "fuck those LLJK scrubs" loudly and often for months now, pretty much since he started the USA splinter clan thing. this is about him, and how out of no where he decided to go Fuck Goons because somebuddy huwt his widdel feewings.

and that is the real, disappointing, message we can all take from this, that smoothrich has become what goons have eternally both hated and adored: a care-mad, butt-hurt, pubbie, bursting into supernova or rage and drama. oh and that "that nutbar Arys" ends up getting Fisdnar because of the fallout from this.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2012, 07:44:35 pm »
(( remember ppl this is a rp subforum so plz stay in char ))

The mighty Smoothrich, or Wormtongue, has oppressed the people of LLJK, or Rohan, as he manipulated King PhantomZero, or Theoden, and driven this kingdom into the ground. As he flees to CHAOS, or Mordor, we must unite under the Splinter Cell group to reunite LLJK and throw the ring into the fire, or something like that.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2012, 07:55:19 pm »
Herein lies the problem and what I've been preaching this entire time.  It wasn't your army.  It was LLJK's army.  Did you craft all of the goods to pay the upkeep and buy/craft the gear for the troops, did you craft all the gear yourself or was it a community effort to outfit them, did you tirelessly slave away in a castle recruiting all the troops?  The answer is most assuredly no.  You are a conceited self-centered twat, and this is time you unbashedly showed that to everyone who can see.

In addition, how are we supposed to do anything since you promoted someone who hasn't logged into the game for months to rank 10, and demoted everyone else to rank 1 on your way out.  We're an empty shell waiting for your bros in Chaos to come up and take every last fief away without any opposition unless some other clan gets to it first.

However, I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.  Maybe you'll enjoy yourself more in the clan you always should have been in since you liked them more than us anyways.   I recall the time you told the LLJK in the teamspeak to retract their applications from the battle because we're bad and you didn't want to feel obligated to hire us over your Chaos bros.  Now that will never be a problem for you any more!

I can see the resentment over how you guys feel treated, but please do not drag Chaos into this. We are as affected by the falling apart of LLJK as anyone in the "Green Team" and honestly I would be sad to see all of you guys go. We have been treating everyone fighting with us in this war equally and have appreciated all the help we received from LLJK and the other clans.

I wish before this falling out there would have been the option for LLJK to revise leadership or appoint additional "officers". Honestly I can see how for one person leading a clan can be equally as frustrating as for all other members to not have a say in the leadership (not judging internal politics here, just going by what I read).

As far as LLJK territory goes, I hope you guys can organize yourself somehow - maybe not as one clan since it seems there is too much anger at the moment - but at least in a form where we can continue to work together.

This is a tough day for green, mother earth weeps for us.

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For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2012, 07:58:46 pm »
This isn't a very good thread, don't get too excited.  Its just Zealot trolling, who has no interest in Strategus or in the clan, just wants to piss me off.  I said what I had to say to people in private and he posted chat logs of it, not really much else to it.

It's pretty much true, this is just me throwing gas on the fire because I'm bored and going up to everyone and saying "I told you so". Still funny none the less, and lets be honest my previous attempts at pissing you off were also hilarious and worked several times over.

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« Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 08:11:19 pm by Classical »

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2012, 08:12:47 pm »
"hey guys, I really don't care about internet games"

"I don't think you understand, I like REALLY don't care about internet games. Also you're a dick."

"I could care less about what you care or don't care about"

"Oh wait do you think I care about that?  Because I don't."

the TL;DR version of this thread.
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2012, 08:17:06 pm »
Hey Smooth,

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2012, 08:20:56 pm »
For the sake of clarity, is sparque phantom zero? These goon aliases are kind of confusing.
This community hurts my brains, a lot.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2012, 08:21:58 pm »
For the sake of clarity, is sparque phantom zero? These goon aliases are kind of confusing.

Sparque is Sparque, PhantomZero is Theoden, and so fourth.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2012, 08:24:51 pm »
What the fuck man
Just a soldier

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2012, 08:39:59 pm »
Lol nil calling arys a nutbar and to answer your question a few hours. Couldnt be a better time for me to return with all the pms about joining and crushing the traitor.
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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #58 on: March 08, 2012, 08:41:15 pm »
egos of hellowrold and a drug-dealing statutory rapist.

Now you see..

He means BADPLAYER who is hellowrold, and Smoothrich who deals drug and raped a fourteen year old and described his story over TS.

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Re: LLJK Civil War
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2012, 08:41:41 pm »
Lol nil calling arys a nutbar and to answer your question a few hours. Couldnt be a better time for me to return with all the pms about joining and crushing the traitor.
Just to be clear, which traitor are we talking about here?  There's a few alleged traitors being thrown around, and 2 very clear ones.