16:25-16:30, 05.03.2012
New round starts, I'm attacking. One of our guys spawns on a horse and rides around. One of my allies mistakes him for an enemy coming to spawnkill and kills his hose. He stops when he notices the banner and writes sorry. The guy on the horse then tries to TA him. I put myself between them to stop it, and the horse-killing guy runs away to continue fighting. The horseman follows after up the ladder, with me right behind him. As we walk up, he hits the horsekiller in the back. Not liking this, I kick him (e), to give him the sign that this is bad beheaviour. He then tries to attack me, but I block him. In between blocks I report this to Randomdude, who is online, saying "this guy is trying to tk me, watch now", or something like that. I then stop blocking, get hit, reports him. He looks at me a bit, then attacks me again. He hits me a total of 5 times before he kills me, but I couldn't report 1 of them, because of the delay. I then write "you see?" in admin chat. This is ignored. I then take a screen of the log.
I also write to him in chat that I am making a ban request about him, hope he enjoys the ban. This makes him attack me on the walls, but I just blocked him, and as the round was ending, it was enough to do that. He then starts a new round saying "where the fuck is Jarlek" or something, obviously going to attack me. Being annoyed at being ignored, I just leave the server to make this post here.
Hope this sums it up, I added a bit too much of the uneccesary "before, after" stuff, just so you could see the whole picture, but the screen of the tk should be enough, I think.