First of all, I've got to thank you for your feedback.
I'd like to start, that this was firstly targeted at the EU community Siege Mode situation, then after some feedbacks regarding the same situation in NA part, I decided to make it sort of Global, but please take into consideration that I don't know the NA background, had to take it on faith on those feedbacks (by admins too).
But I'm going to correct your mis-perception. Admins renounce it because they get burned out. Your statement that they suffered under some childish misconception of what being an Admin entails is just plain insulting to those people who spent a lot of their playtime chasing down kids who can't just play the game without stirring up a bunch of crap. They get tired of being killed at the beginning of a round while in the Admin menu trying to address a situation or go to spec to witness someone violating the rules. (No play that round) They get tired of people who aren't Admins and have no idea of the restrictions they operate under spamming the Admin channel with insults because they don't like the Admins response or punishment for infractions. (No, we can't just take your word for it) In short, I don't think you quite get exactly what an active Admin is doing. Many times, it isn't playing the game.
You can call it a duty, but when a player wants to get in 20 minutes of fun (even an Admin plays this game for fun) and spends those 20 minutes not playing, and then to top it off has to listen to the complaints and gripes from either the person who was punished or the person who didn't think the punishment was enough; Yeah, they get burnt out and it has nothing to do with "failing to understand that it isn't a reward".
Maybe think about that before you start slinging stones.
First of all, in under no circumstance I intended on bashing those of you who actually act as the admins they are,
aux contraire, I take off my hat to them every time I can and make sure they get that positive feedback from us, the peasantry that fills the database and makes the mod alive.
The higher ups know who I was talking about and I have no intent on saying it publicly, for respect sake.
Admins get burned down? As certain as saying 1+1==2. But that is what actually means to be a game admin: to be ready to lose both game time and fun while being targeted as a villain when the harsh decisions have to be made.
It's not a walk in the park, and if one fails to understand it, then he'll never be a good game admin, or even one at all.
Don't misunderstand my intentions and fact selection, there are really those who had stepped up to the job with only second intentions, and that is extremely sad and negative to the whole mod. But this isn't what the thread is all about so it dies here.
(P.S. - it isn't 3+ constant Admins on NA Battle either. It's a 24 hour server and there are definitely times when I'm the only one around.)
As I said before, this was intended at first to EU scene only, and it's a sad reality there. Can't say the same about NA.
(P.S.S. - @ the Admins need to be harsh comments- Hand out a first time 3 day ban without giving a warning. See how that goes down for you in the Admin forums okay? Would you like it if that 3 day ban was yours?)
This is completely out of topic, and I ask you to keep on topic please.
Thanks in advance, best regards,