I'll have to start a topic in Momo's name, because he can't use his forum account to post.
He asked me to do it, and I agreed. So, here we go.
The reason he's got banned from the forum, was spamming. He regrets doing that.
He also doesn't understand why forum actions led to a global cRPG account ban as well.
(It's something I don't get either, but I'm only forwarding what he said to post here)
He really regrets doing the forum stuff, and would like to play the game at least, if the forum account is gone forever.
He didn't cheat, abuse, exploit anything there.
Also, he asked me to propose an offer; If you could unban him, as punishment you can delete his equipment, take his gold, whatever you prefer.
He tried to reach devs/admins on IRC channel, but got no responses.
Thanks for reading, I think that's all I had to forward in the name of Momo.