I don't know if this is the right section or if I can post this, but...
I was going to sell Hospitaller_Troyicide my Bear Skins, and I asked him if I could gather some more and then sell them to him so I'd make more. He responded with:
sure thing mr.monderan tell me when you'll be coming 
Two days ago I was travelling to a Hospitaller village, and I check back. He attacked me with 187 troops (I had 0 of course). I lost 100 crates and 800 something Bear Skins. Seriously Troyicide?
I also heard that he said Tranquil was spying for CHAOS, and she got kicked out of the clan for it, which he was lying about. Again, seriously?
P.S. I didn't get to defend because it said the battle was on Sunday on my Battle list. So I didn't make it. Thank you Muki for coming.