making swapps with other factions is very time consuming and unsettling as people aren't always online when the other party of the swapp would be. Therefor i was more and more thinking about the town market system within strategus would be the alternativ.
Sadly for several reasons it isn't been used as far as i can tell.
1. You never know where something is up for sell
2. you need starting capital to buy stuff and on your way back the risk of getting robed is different, not only do you loose goods but gold invested into goods which is far worse
the second reason i could live with, no risk no gain, right?
but the first reason is just not playable. You can't travel somewhere where you don't know there is or is not something waiting for you, waisting upkeep and time.
a) Imagine when you hover your mouse over a town and you get as a result the 3 best available deals, information includes point of origin(and or good type), amount and selling price f.e. (Tazjunat/Fine coated Mules, 1000, 70)
b) create a new strategus site tap called market overview:
hence the name we would see there and be able to sort through all offers within all towns.
playability vs logic/reality view:
if people now argue, how would you magicly see the offers in a town on the other site of the map, fine then create a service for clan less people who can sell the information of marketplaces to others, like if he stays in a town he can sell the option that others can see within the range of suggestion a) and b) via pigeon through caladria, otherwise a member of the same faction needs to be there that these informations are to be seen in the way described in a)/b)