Author Topic: Multiple Bans: Valour Leeching, Not Contributing.  (Read 1862 times)

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Re: Multiple Bans: Valour Leeching, Not Contributing.
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 04:07:09 pm »
Okay fine, explain why I received a 72 hour ban for a first time offense, (you stated above that ATS has received warnings) I never have, so you right there are throwing me in with the lot, which is totally unacceptable. If anything all 3 of us should have received the same punishment. I'm in ONE screenshot and there is no proof what so ever that I was leeching or delaying, get your goddamn facts straight when you go on a who's dick is bigger admin rage. This is bullshit, and you know it. No rules were broken here.

ALSO, Mala you said I am known for doing this with Jar... That is totally incorrect as this is the first time I have ever done that in my entire career in cRPG, I just recently became friends with Jar, as him and I disliked each other a few days ago.
Your reading comprehension seems to be pretty terrible so i'll just quit hinting at it and tell you. You received a 24 hour ban like voester. The only one who received a 72 hour ban was jar for being a repeat offender. While you're at it, look up what "punitive" means before you go running your mouth crying injustice next time; you'd know it doesn't apply to you at all in this situation. As far as "no proof" goes you're in three of the most incriminating screenshots on this list. And on top of that, you have two people in this thread each confirming the same story, one with very accurate screenshots that look to span over the course of several rounds. It's pretty open and shut noodles, so quit wasting our time and quite frankly, your own time trying to prove otherwise.

tl;dr: You only got a 24 hour ban, bud. I strongly suggest you follow your own advice and "get your facts straight" or at least get a better understanding of the English language before you go around insulting people and complaining about something in the future. You speak English better than I can speak quebecois french, but still.

Well, I feel the need to post here because this is just ridiculous.  As far as I or anyone can tell, all the people involved have kills on the team.  As Mala said, they were defending a part of the map and the rest of the team didn't feel like playing around.  If you are going to ban these guys then shouldn't you ban the people that go 0-4 or 0-5 multiple rounds in a row?  It seems to me that they are contributing far less to the team than a group of people defending a certain a spot and getting kills.  If they are the last one's alive than so be it.  Should you ban anyone who is the last alive who doesn't kill the entire enemy team?  I believe that should also be classified as delaying and not helping the team because they didn't rush in and get killed.  And as far as ATS being warned multiple times, you are implying that every ATS member was on at those times or checks the forums everyday.  This is not true.  The community was outraged when LLJK was singled out on the community servers (which I agree was totally fucked up and never should have happened) and now the same seems to be happening to ATS because of actions of a few members.  As Noodles has said, this is his first offense and he received the same ban as Jar while Voester gets off with a 24 hour ban.  If you are going to hand out fair punishments and act as though NA admins are tying to as fair as possible all parties involved should receive the same punishment or both first time offenders should have received 24 hour bans.

Again, if you want to argue the semantics of what is leeching and what isn't then take it to another thread and start a discussion about it. Like i've said in multiple posts, the way admins deal with players hiding off away from the team and just forcing last stands if their team can't hold their own was discussed over the course of many, many days before we ever started enforcing this rule. Whats more, we reached this decision under the advice of both meow and several other higher ups. Again, look at the 3 people we are dealing with here. These aren't three spring chickens that are still picking up manual blocking, these are three veteran, skilled players that  are more than capable of taking a person or two down at the end of a round. If I were to do this for 2 rounds and do basically nothing till the end and kill two of the weakest links(that are probably hurt from battling the rest of my team while im fresh and at full hp from not doing shit all round) I could find before I go down, guess what? I'm now 4 and 2 even though i've done next to nothing in the way of working with my team over the course of multiple rounds. It's very easy to do if you know what you're doing and these three or more than capable of doing just this. There is also a difference between holding a ruin or taking a defensive position in general, and simply just barricading yourself off with construction sites. They couldn't have mounted any attack until the construction site was broken and are further more  contradicting what you're trying to call this in the screen shot where three enemies have their weapon sheathed and are standing single file while noobie just stands there with them and even complains about how tough getting to the three of them was because of the rest of the enemy team. He even types it out for god's sake. This is so open and shut, really. And furthermore, I don't know what kind of communication you have in your clan, but in the past with other clans "including my own" when stuff like this happened, we not only punished those involved but made a point to let our boys know that it was not ok to do crap like this. And other than Jar, who seems to do it when no one else is on, people generally get the picture and learn from the first ban, if it was their clan mates that did it originally and not them. The ironic part is that you guys have played just fine in the official severs for months before you guys started pulling little stunts like these, so chalking it up to clan discrimination is totally ridiculous. The fact of the matter is ATS in general has probably been given more warnings and chances to stop doing this foolishness yet we are still having these issues. (Noobie has had four ban request threads alone for pulling crap like this by a different player each time.) 

Again, if you all want to argue about what is "contributing to the team and what isn't", then make your own thread about it. Your clan alone can probably cite far more examples of getting banned for similar reasons than any other NA clan out there right now. I know you won't because you all kno how fucking ridiculous this all is and that you are in the wrong here. I guarantee you that if you guys (Noobie, Noodles and all of the other offenders over recent times) actually just played the god damn game instead of looking for loop holes in the official rules to justify your slap dick behavior, you would be just fine like you all were a few months ago.

Also, since bear can't help but post irrelevant self-important bullshit in any lengthy ban discussion thread, i'm locking this bad boy.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 04:30:52 pm by Darkkarma »
This community hurts my brains, a lot.