So, I have few questions about Arbalest.
1. How much WPF do you need to max reticule of Arbalest?
2. How big is the maxed reticule of Arbalest?
3. Do you think there's a point in getting 180 wpf? That would require 15/27. NO PS, NO IF, 8 athletics and 9 WM.
4. Did anyone go for 180 wpf already? I went such build like a year ago, back to those days it "pushed" reticule further, really near to closed one. Tested with Masterwork Arbalest.
5. Which melee weapons are best combined with Arbalest, considering I want to take Arbalest + 1 pack of bolts? I don't think I will ever make it to reload 12 times during one round.