Personally the only thing that is wrong with this game is that it allows alts and frequent name changes so you never ever know who you are actually going against. I wish it was not like that.
I would pay for it to not be like that. And that is one way to get rid of it.
Sometimes i feel like playing in a new community, i cant identify but handfull of old players.
I loved it when just looking at your enemy you knew who it is. People had their "signature" armor and weapons, often unique look. And took pride in them, i know i did.
But this was all before the retiring and easy gold.
Once you got your gold and bought the armor/weapons you liked you better use em, because it took a long time to get gold and buy a new one.
(And the wipe's make sure, you never ever had too much gold.
But that was then and this is now.
But that doesn't mean i have to like the present situation.
As for topic.
Being lvl 33-34, does not help you that much. Tested that and retired.
Retiring itself was to test the looms and builds. Looms are overrated, but if you are going test something new, why not retire?
So the question was: "What is the incentive to grind after you hit lvl 33?"
For me: There is none, but there is no incentive to retire anymore neither.
chadz was trolling once with the idea of looming a +3 item to +4 if you retired at lvl 33, i wonder how many would have actually done it, even if the items change's would have been really small. But the bragging rights for having it.
Sincerely, Assarhaddon.