Everyone have been leeching or "teamkilling" You can't deny that
I don't, I only misbehave on the forums (never in game) and have never deliberately TKed (because lord knows I TK too often on accident anyways, my poor team does not need any more help... I'm become the Infantry version of TK Huey.).
My ban record is spotless thank you, and there are quite a lot of players like me too.
EDIT: As for leeching, I find that stupid. If I'm going to play a game, I'm going to friggin play it, not waste my time suicide charging (because being dead is extremely boring in Battle) or standing around twiddling my thumbs (because I don't need a game to do that). It is more fun to at least grab a wooden stick and see how many times you can keep blocking and against how many people, or use a practice longsword and see how many people you can kill, then stand around doing absolutely nothing.