Author Topic: [UNBAN] RANDOM_SAUCE and complains about triggerhappy (gay) pride? 22nd guys...  (Read 347 times)

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Offline Tigero

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Can't even count the servers im banned from because of some small sht that no-one cares about. Today got a ban from EU_4, pls unban me from atleast that server, because that ban was seriously unfair. Perhaps tell that ironlake (or wtf it was) to be less triggerhappy. (didn't get a kick before ban, and for that little 'spam' which no-one exept our hero cared about, is quite unrighteous.)

And prehaps unban me from Melee server, but consider that a bit, i might even have deserved that ban for saying something from admin's actions, which were childish atleast. (I have been banned from melee serv. many weeks now, are the bans permanent lol.) I HAVE SERVED MY SENTENCE!

Ps. Oh forgot to mention, i got banned from melee serv by a 22nd guy, if i recall right.

Bad taste of you is mouth of my in.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 09:15:08 pm by Tigero »
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The humor might be fun for u, but it is fun on behalf of others.

Offline Sir_Ironlake

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If I recall correctly, you got an explicit warning followed by a mute for voice chat spaming. Then on the following map you do the same... maybe if you write how many warnings you need before taking a hint, the admins can be more obliging in the future?

I won't even go into "noone cares about me doing shit". I do. Enough said.

As for the ban, it was a 10 minute one, so prolly expried by now.

That being said, next time it wont be so short, as you have been repeatedly spaming voice chat and I have personally had several complaints about you specificaly.

So think reeeeeal hard next time you wanna send more then 1 voice chat msg in a row...