Extreme punishment... There is no way in hell that this will be carried out. I will put money on that. (Not enough to make it worthwhile for removing his rights though! ;))
There is a plethora of other things an admin could be doing during these times, as Khorin stated just a few. It might be our job to look over the server, but you can't do it 100% of the time, not even Nuffen could. He used to have a laugh on teamspeak, same as the rest of us.
Quoting from a player - "Kill Tenne early in a round and you start seeing an increase in pink text" - and I'm pretty sure that will be the same for every other admin as well, we can see more, we can get the full picture and we don't have to worry about being stabbed in the back.
Without meaning to add an issue or to debunk what you said and screenshotted Pa
nos, you seem to be teamkilled at spawn an awful lot. Maybe you're just reporting more often than other players would... It seems likely.
Naturally, as this has been recently done, the logs are not currently up for us admins to look through, maybe if Meow has the time and inclination, he'll throw them up early for us! Until that point, we can't see the full extent of what was done, and as of me typing this, Ujin hasn't replied so I am not writing from knowing his side of the story.
With all due respect Pan
os, I am in no position to give an "official statement", although it is wrong for an admin to favour one player over another, and we don't tolerate someone intentionally and maliciously ruin game time for others, but we can't see it all the time. Following with the "favour to players", we're not machines and we will trust peoples word, side with someone based on ours, or a colleague's past experiences and with our own methods.
Calling for the removal of admin rights because someone didn't respond for any number of reasons, it doesn't quite ring true to rationality. Post a ban request with those screenshots and everything else, chances are, an admin will look into it and you'll get your "justice" or not as the case may be.
This is exactly why I'm complaining all the time. It's not just Ujin, most of admins forget to act on time. I know they are players too, but if they don't want to do their job give it to someone else (like Nuffen) who is willing to sacrifice good portion of his playtime in order to keep servers nice and clean.
*Suggested Rules*
"Forget to act on time" - Might not have seen the incident/Not enough evidence to to make an informed decision/Does it warrant action or not/Was it provoked - A couple of question/reasons there. We won't forget to act, if we don't act, it's probably because some of those criteria have gone against what you want.
"If they don't want to do their job" - Pay me and I'll sit in spectate for 3 hours a day watching and waiting. On a serious note though, as I say constantly while at work "it's not a want, it's a need", if it needs doing, it gets done, whether or not you want to do it. If an admin sees something, they act accordingly, they won't just shrug it off, they might finish what they were doing first, such as fighting.
Aiming at the suggested rules now - From what I understand, it's a wonderful idea, but it's impractical. There will be plenty of times that someone will break the rules, they'll have done something the same as someone else, and get a longer or shorter ban time. Why? Probably because the admin has a different scenario on their hands, maybe the offender is a repeat offender or maybe it was of a higher severity. Too many variables to give a rigid set of rules to cover. (Not just those two before some smart-arse says anything)
Ban Time Guidelines? I wouldn't be against them, but they certainly shouldn't be rules.
As a final note, I know what I am saying may not apply to everyone who admins, but I'm sure that they have a similar approach. Mistakes happen, and that's that, by all means complain just as I would, but we can't be everywhere, we can't see everything and we can't do everything, all the time.
I hope this has given a reasonable view for those who bothered to read without cutting the context up.