I know you want that sword badly!
and I may help you get your dream true!
SUPER STYLED!visitors can't see pics , please
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loginTempered Side Sword
weapon length: 95
outrange those filthy 2h with your stab and right swing!weight: 1.2
weapon stunned with spada and scottish? there you go: this .2 weight is amazing!difficulty: 10
only that petty ten!!speed rating: 100
OMG speedy!! spamm those tin can!weapon length: 95
so amazing it's here again! the perfect fit for anyone!thrust damage: 29 pierce
pierce those tin can!swing damage: 28 cut
Cut those scummy peasant!slots: 1
no comment, awesome as everything elseBUT if you want it and just got money for me, it's all good tell me your offer and we will check that!
offer on market, counter-offer can be made here!
side sword want you in their elite army!
for sell for
money : I got a big blatant
425k for yah, cheapest side sword of them all!
for sell for some object :
x1 scottish sword and I
added 10k to decide you!
x1 espada eslavona and a pretty
10k is waiting for you!