Author Topic: throwing is broken  (Read 24514 times)

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #180 on: April 08, 2012, 11:31:19 pm »
It'd be nice if devs could fix the useless throwing weapons (throwing star series, looking at you) and make more of them viable.

your post made me try them out.

it was an overfail


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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #181 on: April 09, 2012, 12:05:25 am »
lol i made a stf with 10pt with jarids and did a test in duel server on a strong guy on horseback running at me full speed.. i hit him 3 times while riding at me and he was still alive.. now really talk about wtf.. guessing each last was doing a little under a 3rd of damage on him.. must of been really strong tho
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #182 on: April 09, 2012, 01:00:57 am »
As a hybrid thrower, I think throwing is strong enough for its purposes.

Rather using throwing to kill, it's mainly for weakening the enemy, staggering so they get killed by someone else, killing weakened enemies or hunting down those that are running away.

I actually think that throwing requires more skill only because it is inaccurate, the art is to hit the enemy without it being accurate - and going for headshots is still completely possible. What I would suggest is adding more damage but making it less accurate. That way the skillful throwers will fare better than less skillful ones and people will spam throw less.

(Skill as in being able to get closer to target and leave again, prediction of where people will dodge -> note that due to the randomness of dodging, a perfect aiming throw might not even be that good, instead it is somewhat a skill to use the randomness to counter to another randomness)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 01:13:20 am by MCake_JL »

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #183 on: April 09, 2012, 01:51:53 am »

no, it inaccurate enough,it takes a lot of skill to kill cav(except cav direct charging you), i believe dont need to make it worse, damage output is imo fine.

and as pure thrower its still not very acurate...

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #184 on: April 09, 2012, 06:25:40 am »
you guys must be hitting horses in the legs which reduces ranged damage or something buggy about pierce dmg to horses.  NH uses heavy axes and pretty much any unarmored horse charging at us dies in 1-2 axes

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #185 on: April 09, 2012, 06:50:23 am »
as a hybrid thrower overall at the moment I think throwing is a worthy investment if you are good enough at footwork and timing to work with 100-120 melee wpf. You give up very expensive WPF past that point, and some IF, to get 5 PT and 100 or so WPF throwing.

For that relatively small price you can still wear medium armor, get to add a lot of versatility and fun to your gameplay. It gives you the ability to bring down horses, and kill runners and kiting archers, and pop 2h guys with weapons like jarid/heavy axe that have the stopping power to weaken them/force them to close range,. overall a solid trade.

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #186 on: April 09, 2012, 07:31:45 am »
This nerf, ruins me.
Velocity is to low.
Weapons, made from foam.


It sucks having to get used to a new velocity when trying to hit people.
But seriously, people like me who run around with 9-10 PT get throwing nerfed.
9PT and a throwing lance won't 1 shotmost people anymore. (9 pt, 138 wpf)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 07:43:25 am by To Kill A Dead Horse »
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #187 on: April 09, 2012, 09:59:02 am »
you guys must be hitting horses in the legs which reduces ranged damage or something buggy about pierce dmg to horses.  NH uses heavy axes and pretty much any unarmored horse charging at us dies in 1-2 axes

Yeah, that's 90% of the usefulness of throwing.  I will throw at people if there's a good opportunity but due to low accuracy (and low ammo) I find it's best used on horses.

It is good at that, though.

If this game had no cav, I can't imagine a use for throwing.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 10:13:04 am by Slamz »
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #188 on: April 09, 2012, 10:33:25 am »
One thing they could do to buff pure throwers without helping hybrids is add higher ammo variants at higher PT levels.  I don't know that it would necessarily "make sense" but you could have PT 8 throwing spears that come in packs of 8.  Anything over 6 is pretty inaccessible for hybrids.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 10:34:45 am by Slamz »
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #189 on: April 09, 2012, 05:37:53 pm »

no, it inaccurate enough,it takes a lot of skill to kill cav(except cav direct charging you), i believe dont need to make it worse, damage output is imo fine.

and as pure thrower its still not very acurate...

To be honest, I don't think accuracy has too much a correlation with hitting the cav.

Since the way with hitting the horse/horseman is waiting until the very last moment, until you have a biggest target as possible - hence at that time a difference in accuracy shouldn't affect it too much. The important issues is more not freaking out, and waiting till the last second possible, rather than the accuracy, imo.

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #190 on: April 09, 2012, 05:54:11 pm »
I find it funny, most people ('cept cav my old friends, rumblood, the devs (  :cry: ) and some inmy old friendtry) agree throwing needs a buff, but no one can agree on what it should be, I support a damage buff to throwing lance, considering it's ammo I do believe most shields should get onehit, and ALL BUT THE 10if 30str melee'rs in heavy armor should do the same... It'd mean a max of four kills per round without looting other people's gear as a pure thrower (same max as now) but it'd be a lot different in how often you hit with all four throws and still get 0-1 kill, for jarids-spears-axes-javs I believe 1+ ammo for each would be suitable, for the lower tire weapons I suggest throwing-speed and damage (and for some 1 or 2 extra throws)... Overall I do believe accuracy in general is fine, I ain't half as inaccurate as most people claim, around 95% of my throws go nearly 99% the same way, the other 5% are flying in a totally different direction, and I'm a HT, 90% of my throws are while moving, at 120 wpf, both on and off horse I can throw while moving fine (easier off-horse), throwers should also be allowed to wear armor without damage nerfs (on my archer with 120 wpf and 4pd I wear slightly bellow heavy armor (including a helmet), on my 7pt main HT with 120wpf I can wear a cav rope, and sarranid boots, can't even wear my fucking lichina helmet or whatever it's called.)...
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 06:10:23 pm by Zlisch_The_Butcher »
1H stab is the fastest, strongest and longest 1H animation. There's no reason NOT to use it in all instances. I don't know if it's OP, but it's boring. 1H used to be fun because you had a fast (left), long (right) and the most devastating attack (stab) and had to choose the best attack for each occasion.

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #191 on: April 09, 2012, 08:40:00 pm »
To be honest, I don't think accuracy has too much a correlation with hitting the cav.

Since the way with hitting the horse/horseman is waiting until the very last moment, until you have a biggest target as possible - hence at that time a difference in accuracy shouldn't affect it too much. The important issues is more not freaking out, and waiting till the last second possible, rather than the accuracy, imo.

i think there is a large difference in playstyles here.

I dont aim just for the cav that straight charges me anymore, i also go for the cav riding by, and that takes quite a bit of skill beleive me, so no dont reduce accuracy

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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #192 on: April 09, 2012, 09:08:30 pm »
Also when you consider throwing as a "counter" to HX and HA, they aren't going to get near you, so accuracy is a big deal.

I have an HX alt that's level 21 and he's already stupid-accurate from horseback.  With the horse not moving he's practically firing a laser.  No amount of throwing proficiency can compete with that.

Also, the whole point of throwing as a counter instead of pikes is that you can hit them even if they aren't coming straight at you.  If accuracy was reduced, I might as well drop throwing and pick up a sharpened stick instead.

I also think throwing took an unfair nerf when they made arm hits do significantly less damage.  Since our targeting reticle is already larger than a horse at modest distances, it's not like we can "aim for the head" or even "aim for the torso".  We are happy to hit you at all and a lot of those end up being arm hits, which do almost nothing.
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #193 on: April 09, 2012, 11:05:56 pm »
I find it funny, most people ('cept cav my old friends, rumblood, the devs (  :cry: ) and some inmy old friendtry) agree throwing needs a buff, but no one can agree on what it should be, I support a damage buff to throwing lance, considering it's ammo I do believe most shields should get onehit, and ALL BUT THE 10if 30str melee'rs in heavy armor should do the same... It'd mean a max of four kills per round without looting other people's gear as a pure thrower (same max as now) but it'd be a lot different in how often you hit with all four throws and still get 0-1 kill, for jarids-spears-axes-javs I believe 1+ ammo for each would be suitable, for the lower tire weapons I suggest throwing-speed and damage (and for some 1 or 2 extra throws)... Overall I do believe accuracy in general is fine, I ain't half as inaccurate as most people claim, around 95% of my throws go nearly 99% the same way, the other 5% are flying in a totally different direction, and I'm a HT, 90% of my throws are while moving, at 120 wpf, both on and off horse I can throw while moving fine (easier off-horse), throwers should also be allowed to wear armor without damage nerfs (on my archer with 120 wpf and 4pd I wear slightly bellow heavy armor (including a helmet), on my 7pt main HT with 120wpf I can wear a cav rope, and sarranid boots, can't even wear my fucking lichina helmet or whatever it's called.)...

Because every time a throwing axe does 90 percent of my horse's HP with a body hit while I'm riding away from them or when full plate throwing lance players headshot me from 30 feet away or just throw axes/jarids for over half my HP each I think to myself "boy this class is underpowereD"

When throwing was at its most popular like 8 months ago this game was seriously the worst it ever was, it should never be viable for everyone to be a hybrid thrower outputting incredible damage with fine close/medium accuracy and easily replenishible ammo.  No ranged classes need buffs in the state of this mod, if anything they need nerfs.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2012, 11:07:11 pm by Smoothrich »
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Re: throwing is broken
« Reply #194 on: April 09, 2012, 11:19:02 pm »
Because every time a throwing axe does 90 percent of my horse's HP with a body hit while I'm riding away from them or when full plate throwing lance players headshot me from 30 feet away or just throw axes/jarids for over half my HP each I think to myself "boy this class is underpowereD"

When throwing was at its most popular like 8 months ago this game was seriously the worst it ever was, it should never be viable for everyone to be a hybrid thrower outputting incredible damage with fine close/medium accuracy and easily replenishible ammo.  No ranged classes need buffs in the state of this mod, if anything they need nerfs.
I agree and disagree with you. Long story short; Nerf archers, buff throwing.
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