cav was automaticly buffed because archery was nerfed, but you have to agree that cav has the hardest time to make money/not lose any. the only solutions to that for cav are:
1 go inf half of the time
2 sell looms
3 get crappy gear
4 get a crappy horse
and you have to pick one atleast to make money(or have a shitload of money that you got from a friend or saved up.) cavalry can't be the cav they want to be imo, you have to sacrifice looms or being cav at all. you shouldn't be forced not to be able to be cavalry, which is already done by some maps.
you are going to nerf cavalry because that's the only way to reduce the cav fest and i don't really mind, but then please make the repairs on horses lower, because i just want to be cav that i dreamed of when i bought this game.