Pigface helmet
heavy kuyak
mail guantlets
and An awl pike
Total gear cost: 28305
My own total gear cost: 36444
Actually no, that is pretty fucking expensive (and heavy).
That is actually a surprise for me ptx, even though I do have a good banner and might have quite a high average multiplier, his equipment is pretty cheap. I make steady money with my 36k gear, not really fast, but it keeps on increasing.
I have heard that wearing daggers in your extra slots decreases breaking chance of your good items, although the explanation that was given to me made no sense at all because of the way breaking chance is calculated, I do wear daggers. Not sure if it works. Atleast it looks cool and its fun to kill the last man standing with them.
You can obviously downgrade on leg armour. Leg hits do less damage anyway, and they don't get hit all that much as it is only the lower leg portion of the body. Shynbaulds with a heavy kuyak is a complete waste of money. I actually wear Rus cavalry boots with my Rus lamellar Cuirass, they cost 400 gold. Is that a good idea? Not sure, but you have way too expensive leg armour.
You need to have a gold reserve, losing for a few maps in a row quickly drains my gold. I can drop well over 5k in a session. But other sessions have me going on a x5 streak that easily cancels out the losing streak. You really need to have a buffer to get you through the rough patches of atleast 20k. Grind low armour up to 20k and then start using your usual gear. Sometimes it may seem you are losing money but in the long run I really doubt you do.