Author Topic: [UNBAN]PacifisticKiller: Leeching or Ladders, probably the latter.  (Read 455 times)

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Offline PacifisticKiller

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I was playing in NA_CRPG_1 around 4:30 today on my account "Deploying_Ladders" and all of the sudden I got disconnected from the server, so I alt-tabbed and my internet was down. After I reset my internet, I rejoined to find that I was banned. I didn't see the ban message (if there is one) so I don't know who banned me or why. I thought of all of the possibilities,excessive high ping, leeching, not having a weapon, or throwing down ladders to get on rooftops. I though a lot about the latter. On my account "Deploying_Ladders" which is the account I made to assist other players (mainly archers) by placing ladders and siege shields on rooftops- and I've never been told by an admin to stop doing so. I've been accused of leeching or not using a weapon many times, but these accusations are false because I do indeed have a Khyber Knife and a Wooden Stick equipped( These weapons should be enough to defend a fair maiden such as myself). I do not leech, I defend the archers on the roof, and I cut down the ladder if any enemies are coming up, the flinging of the ladder is how I've gotten almost all of my kills(except for this one time where I used my Khyber knife to hit some guy off of a cliff). I haven't been playing cRPG for THAT long, so if I did anything to break the rules, I did so unintentionally.