The reason you feel this way is because the use of a crossbow (and bows as well) in crpg needs to be looked at. I'm disgusted with recent trends because people who take it seriously are now swimming in a sea of cheap copies who manage to be halfway effective with no proficiency and while also encumbered! Everybody has a crossbow. It's absolutely asinine. The developers should consider how poorly one would operate a bow or crossbow with heavy gear on their head and hands. A proficiency requisite may not be the best solution but it'd be a solution...
This is really unacceptable --
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loginP.S. I can't throw darts because I "don't have enough proficiency" while naked. Why can't this be done with crossbows and bows (isn't this already in effect with bows?). Let the person attempt it but to very little avail. Horrible reload times, awful shot grouping (borderline random), always breaks. Why not? What's the agenda here?