On melee weapon reach
Overhead = +0
Left-to-right = +0
Right-to-left = +19
Thrust = +61
Overhead = +15
Left-to-right = +17
Right-to-left = +13
Thrust = +80 (This may be slightly wrong with the new stab animation)
2h Polearms
Overhead = -15
Left-to-right = -7
Right-to-left = -2
Thrust = +191h Polearms
Thrust = +50I don't know how much "slightly wrong" may be but being able to extend farther with both hands (without a long haft\handle like on a polearm) than with a single hand is physically impossible due to the inability to rotate the torso with the thrust.
1h polearms Thrust = +50
2h Thrust = +80
1h Thrust should also equal the 1h polearm thrust as they are using the same body mechanics
This defies a simple human body mechanic.
Stand with your back against the wall with both arms extended in front of you (as if thrusting). Then rotate your torso so that it is perpendicular to the wall. Whichever shoulder moves forward, the corresponding arm and hand will move forward ahead of the opposite arm\hand (specifically the distance of the width of the torso). This simulates a thrust with a free hand, now start over and try doing the same thing while trying to keep your hands together (as if they were on the handle of a longsword). You no longer have the ability of that extended reach.
The only way a 1h thrust of any kind could have less reach than a 2h would be if the weapon it's self was shorter by a certain amount (distance of the width of the torso) or in the case of polearms, the grip was positioned further up the shaft of the polearm effectively reducing it's reach (example: boar spear has nearly as much reach as the spear because of grip positioning despite the boar spear being a much shorter weapon)
Will there be any address of the 2h thrust not glancing at point blank range and\or being able to thrust, miss, and bring hitbox rapidly in towards target for full impact? (or however you choose to define the very obvious and exploited broken 2h thrust mechanic)