Strat is not dead. Well, at least not for Hosp and Occitan. Strat has it's problems this round but there is still plenty of fun to be had for clans who actually put up the effort. We are more active now than ever, with new people coming in almost daily to join us in strategus. The game is not without issues, but we have found a way to make our guys interested in the long term goals as a group, not individuals.
Strat is boring as hell without a purpose. If a clan does not give their players a reason to grind these monotonous tasks, then the individuals will see the tasks as such and have little reason to log on every day. If we give our members a goal and something to work towards as a unit (a castle battle,) then our guys are more apt to log in and put in their part to make it happen for everybody. Fun in this game is crafted by groups who can work together to make it as such. Strategus is a team effort and becomes very dull when it is played as the individual.