
Is this admin doing his job correctly?

Hmm, yes why not? Whatever dude.
He's just another friendly archer, burn in hell or Sutin.

Author Topic: [EU] Tennenoth  (Read 8253 times)

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #60 on: August 16, 2012, 04:59:36 pm »
Tenne muted me, while I was explaining why I called one Bashibazook a horsestealer. I said that he is a horsestealer, because he is, (he stealed it while I was dismounted to kill one infantryman) and Tenne muted me without any warnings. When I asked him why I was muted - he said that I breaked the rules. When I asked what rules did I break, he ignored me. I think he isn`t an example of adequate admin.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 05:08:49 pm by DesertEagle »
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #61 on: August 16, 2012, 06:04:58 pm »
you made a teamhit to koyama just because he took your horse ; people are not aware of all battlefield , he can not know that it was your horse or u dismounted so you intentionally team hit bashibazouk_koyama just because he took your horse and you are still whining about that.

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2012, 06:23:40 pm »
Tenne muted me, while I was explaining why I called one Bashibazook a horsestealer. I said that he is a horsestealer, because he is, (he stealed it while I was dismounted to kill one infantryman) and Tenne muted me without any warnings. When I asked him why I was muted - he said that I breaked the rules. When I asked what rules did I break, he ignored me. I think he isn`t an example of adequate admin.

Wrong, you must have been alive because I typed "Intentional Teamwounding". If this continues by the time the logs are released, I will show you.

You broke the rules by teamhitting, then you started raging at Koyama, so I muted the both of you to stop it. You can't expect to break the rules and then try and blame it on someone else. Koyama was merely muted to pre-empt any "hah, admin sided with me" stuff (Which I doubt Koyama would have done, but it was a precaution). You don't have a case, you break the rules and then don't like the very very light punishment? I could have banned you but thought it better to allow you to play, and learn your lesson there and then.
As I say, don't break the rules and then not expect a punishment, it's silly.
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #63 on: September 21, 2012, 08:36:01 pm »
I'm Jelly you guys have a admin like Tennenoth. He is strict with the rule and willing to give out justice but he has mercy on small infractions and will give benefit of the doubt if not sure. He also keeps extremely unbias and to ensure his opinion is Unbias asks that another admin deal with certain situations (like a ban request on a GUARD member)

So just a third party person saying GoodJob not that it really means anything cause I'm from NA lol
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I checked, the only Vagabond I found was Wolves_Vagabond_TheCruel, that guy is now unbanned. Ban reason was: "calling Zotte a cockswoggler".

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #64 on: September 30, 2012, 06:07:50 am »
This guy used to play NI, so I say he's a good admin!  :mrgreen:

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #65 on: September 30, 2012, 12:32:54 pm »
He quit NI because bots just wouldn't stop owning him.

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #66 on: September 30, 2012, 12:39:18 pm »
When I asked him why I was muted - he said that I breaked the rules.

I don't believe tenne said you breaked the rules.

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #67 on: October 01, 2012, 11:16:13 am »
He quit NI because bots just wouldn't stop owning him.

Stupid Straw Hat, even though it's more powerful over there, an increase in style means a decrease in survivability... Those bots are hackers! Head shots all day, every-bloody-day!

I haven't quit though, I still show my face every now and then, just depends on what kind of mood I am currently in, in for killing bots or for players! Besides that, I still need to admin from time to time over there... I kinda can't quit.

I'm Jelly you guys have a admin like Tennenoth. He is strict with the rule and willing to give out justice but he has mercy on small infractions and will give benefit of the doubt if not sure. He also keeps extremely unbias and to ensure his opinion is Unbias asks that another admin deal with certain situations (like a ban request on a GUARD member)

So just a third party person saying GoodJob not that it really means anything cause I'm from NA lol

Even though you're from America, it doesn't mean your opinion isn't valid (yes, I would still say the same thing if it was a negative review!). You still play the game, you still see the same threads and you can still play on the European servers. I appreciate your support, thanks!

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #68 on: February 24, 2013, 06:18:47 pm »
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #69 on: February 24, 2013, 06:40:52 pm »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2013, 10:12:48 am »
Hi!  :)
Just came here to ask about the recent teamhitting issue.
Shouldn't being careless about your shots/hits considered as half-intentional teamhitting and deserve at least a warning?
I mean, to my mind, if you're a bad player, you should play carefully, not careless. If you shoot everywhere trying to get a kill and often teamhit, it's not actually because you're such a bad player, more because you don't care.
So, what Warlord and others should have done is to report each th since they suspected it's half-intentional, and the kick after 5 th's would be enough of a punishment for that archer? Or should he have reported it on forums?
Just in case I get in similar situation (not going to tk anyone though).  :)

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #71 on: June 06, 2013, 10:25:55 am »
Well, problem is that with the lower tier bows you get the stagger which can undeniable kill you in the consequence but won't do any damage to report.
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #72 on: June 06, 2013, 04:05:33 pm »
Hi!  :)
Just came here to ask about the recent teamhitting issue.
Shouldn't being careless about your shots/hits considered as half-intentional teamhitting and deserve at least a warning?
I mean, to my mind, if you're a bad player, you should play carefully, not careless. If you shoot everywhere trying to get a kill and often teamhit, it's not actually because you're such a bad player, more because you don't care.
So, what Warlord and others should have done is to report each th since they suspected it's half-intentional, and the kick after 5 th's would be enough of a punishment for that archer? Or should he have reported it on forums?
Just in case I get in similar situation (not going to tk anyone though).  :)

Of course, the carelessness is a pain in the arse so get ready for me to be a job's worth here; carelessness is still an accident so it is not bannable, I can't run around giving out bans to people who do things like this because I expect we have all have some sort of accidental teamwounding streak during our time playing, and if I banned one person who hit a couple of allies then I'd have to ban the lot of us.

The rules clearly state that intentional teamwounding/killing is breaking the rules, so as much as I can understand someones anger towards another player for teamwounding them, they should just have bottled it up, I'm not sure what they were expecting to happen after they murdered them in cold blood...

The only borderline incidents that I can believe to be verging on intentional teamkilling would be randomly swinging/shooting with only allies in your field of view, away from any enemies, when the chance of cutting down an ally is almost a certainty, you can't do that and not expect something bad to happen and therefore, unless it was a slip-click at spawn and really was just someone doing the whole "It's not my fault if you get in the way of my sword/arrows" it'd be bannable in my eyes under the "arse-hat" rule.

I can understand it's annoying to be team hit time and time again by the same person by their sheer incompetence but it's just not bannable, hell, I remember a Native clan battle that I once had back when I first started playing, I shot five arrows, all of which killed an ally, the enemy team thought someone said something to me on teamspeak and angered me, it was just my poor shooting.

At any rate, the sad fact of the matter is that in the case presented, the banned player had no evidence to support his claims other than rants and demands. If the attacks were intentional I couldn't do anything about it without having seen it happen myself (with no evidence) so I'm at an impasse regardless of whether or not poor playing was a bannable offence.

Well, problem is that with the lower tier bows you get the stagger which can undeniable kill you in the consequence but won't do any damage to report.

"Bloody peasant archers!" - That quote of myself, that became a staple on teamspeak was literally for that annoying low damage stagger. :D

One thing however, I should probably have written a longer statement in the ban thread to clarify the process and reasoning behind what happened, I shall adjust my "ban reports" for less clear-cut ban requests such as this one with a bit more information.
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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #73 on: June 06, 2013, 06:46:58 pm »
Well my question wasn't meant to be a critique of your methods in any way, just wanted to clarify this since you were the one who made the desicion.  :)
Well, problem is that with the lower tier bows you get the stagger which can undeniable kill you in the consequence but won't do any damage to report.
Afaik, you can't be staggered by anything that did no damage.

Offline Tennenoth

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Re: [EU] Tennenoth
« Reply #74 on: June 06, 2013, 07:21:09 pm »
Well my question wasn't meant to be a critique of your methods in any way, just wanted to clarify this since you were the one who made the desicion.  :)Afaik, you can't be staggered by anything that did no damage.

Sorry if it came across that I was answering a critique, I just thought it might have been useful for people to understand my thought process and some examples of how I dealt with this ban thread, to explain that my hands were tied when it came to banning someone without evidence.

I haven't been a player for a long time now, and I've forgotten what it is like to not have the information and work-processes of admining and so I am less transparent about what actions I take and why. It is something that I need to start doing, because as I have stated before, a rapport between players and admins is a must and it works from both ends, not just the players, I should add. :)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2013, 07:24:38 pm by Tennenoth »
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