People set up "Auction" threads for their loompoints are trying to achieve maximum profit. However, this is NOT the way AUCTIONS work. Several rules need to be set up if this community wants a FAIR trade system.
1. No PM Bids
2. All activity must be within the sell thread and "reliability" must be set up.
3. Seller must not sell to Buy Threads if they have already set up an Auction.
4. Seller must sell to highest bidder IN their thread.
5. Thread needs a "closing time."
If you guys don't care, don't put Auction in your title. Just tell people to post offers. Then do whatever the hell you want with your point. Just a little rant/clarification on what an AUCTION is.
Sick of OPs saying things like "Received a PM: Highest Bid 550k" and OPs abandoning their thread to sell it to someone else who gave a higher offer (whether under-the-table or not) than the highest bidder if their thread was ignored.