Author Topic: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.  (Read 1053 times)

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There is none. Either you care to improve strat and read, or you don't and you don't read. Else go back to the troll cave.

ATS bandits. I hate you... and thank you for that.

Past few fights and strategies defending our caravans has been fun. At the same time a huge nuissance in our "build-up".

This got me thinking. As an avid strategy player I try everything to optimize the strategy, while as a warband player I honestly want good fights.
These can be against the odds fights or equal fights or unexpected fights. But I want fights and I want the ability to create more fights.
These things are not mutually beneficial.

This is not a discussion of carebearing. From my point of view, as I have stated before, this is unavoidable. Metablocks exist because they are the best move within the frame of the strategy game.

 I have already suggested earlier a way to make the strategy game better through a revision of trade. It's down to page 3 or 4 or something along these lines.
The problems of trade is that it increases micromanagement. Not something the warband gamer wants. But at the same time it was a way to increase depth something the strategy gamer wants. Most of us it was supposed to increase fun for both sides making bandits vs. caravans fights possible, something both gamers wants.

Ultimately it failed doing this. Why? Again I see it as a problem of strategy gamer vs. warband gamer.

The strategy gamer wants an alliance. Through that alliance he can make the most money through long caravans and these caravans can be protected by the greater resources of this alliance. He can also gather the largest amount of troops with the best equipment making him_stronger_than_the_enemy. If whole clans go bandit they will either not own land. If they own land, this pays better. Or they will be fiefs less and make less money. Hence:

The bandit will run out of resources. He has to fight the greater and wealthier caravans, he can't caravan himself cause the alliances have optimized this so he ends up with a large problem of being able to equip his troops to fight the caravans.
This imposes two further problems.
a) Caravans are only valid within a tightly nit group. It cannot be done more loosely as the alliance then looses money. While it is micromanagement, this is really not a problem for the more dedicated player. Hence neutral caravans and merchants are impossible to play as they would never be able to compete with the clan producing the trade goods themselves to begin with and trading within the alliance, under the protection of the alliance.
b) It won't work lowering the equipment prices as that will just give the alliance player an advantage over the bandit again. Just a notch up on the tier of eq.

This still doesn't change that trading is a good way to encourage banditry vs. caravans. We just need to find a way to make banditry for neutral viable.
(And no, asking people to break up large alliances is to ask humans not to be human. The frame of the game has to encourage it.)

Brain storm of ways to improve bandit changes:
Ways to go stealth, Ways to recruit and equip outside established fiefs, Ways to set up ambushes. Maybe limit certain of this to small armies, so they won't be used by larger alliances.

What we need is two levels of gaming.
1 tier between large alliances fighting for land
2 tier fights between small alliances and neutral bandits against the larges alliances caravans (I am mentioning caravans, but there might be other things)

What we should NOT do:
Is to increase micro management. A lot of the suggestions I see try to limit the larger alliances by increase the amount of work they are supposed to do. THIS WILL NOT WORK.
It will either bore people to death, or bring out the most avid of strategy gamers. Micro mangement will not kill alliances, it will kill the casuals.

Hence caravans's must be encouraged to give the bandit something to do. I mentioned my trading suggestion earlier. I think this could be an important step.
The way trade goods are gaining value over distance, should be switched with trade goods gaining value through need. Hence only the best luxury goods should be given value through long long trades. Other trade goods should be within short distances as I mentioned here:,18592.0.html.
This would be the first step to discourage the larger alliances within the frame of the game.
The second step would be to give a reason for alliances not to coorperate 100%. Titles, show-offs and rights is a good way to do that as suggested here:,21966.0.html. This would in effect not increase micromanagement, but make alliances have to accept licking the boot of each other. And I am not so sure everyone is ready to accept another one as "overlord" when it suddenly gets on paper.

But we need more. I can't really think of it, cause every idea is messing with either what the strategy gamer will do in order to maximise chance of victory against the warbander's need for more fights. We need to think of a way. And no, saying people has to change is not it.

I might expand on the post when I think of more.

Edit 1:
I came to think of funny thing from independent roleplaying. Basically it is about "beliefs" or "keys". Now if a clan has a "we're the guardians of caravans" it basically means, we want to be able to guard caravans. This can't happen without them getting attacked.
If my belief is "I am the baddest bandit in the world", I need to be able to attack caravans and show that I am the baddest bandit in the world.
Would it make sense to apply a "belief" to each clan or choose from a list of key's and each time you live up to that key, you get rewarded?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 07:11:19 pm by Aemaelius »
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Re: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2011, 07:05:37 pm »
I've been reading your Strategus posts for quite sometime now, and I have to say that I am impressed, you have my support.


in b4: OMGGG!!!111!/11!! CAREBARZ
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Re: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2011, 07:50:36 pm »
I like the direction of your ideas.

To add to it I would love to see the distance bonus for trade goods halved for selling inside clan territory. This will do a few things, such as promote clans wanting to trade with other clans and their neighbours. Secondly it will make blockades against larger clans a more pressing concern.

I love your idea about being able to setup ambushes and it should be added for sure.

Next I would like to see changes to the visiting fees for clan controlled fiefs. As it is right now many fiefs have a 100g visiting fee, and if the rest of the map is like that soon, neutral players will have no where to go or work. Maybe changing it so the visiting fee always starts at 1g, and increases by 1g per hour after until it reaches the set visiting fee.

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Re: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2011, 08:19:28 pm »
To add to it I would love to see the distance bonus for trade goods halved for selling inside clan territory. This will do a few things, such as promote clans wanting to trade with other clans and their neighbors. Secondly it will make blockades against larger clans a more pressing concern.
This won't do anything except create more clans, of people already in clans. If that doesn't make any sense,  just trust me, this won't do anything but make large clans even more powerful.

Next I would like to see changes to the visiting fees for clan controlled fiefs. As it is right now many fiefs have a 100g visiting fee, and if the rest of the map is like that soon, neutral players will have no where to go or work. Maybe changing it so the visiting fee always starts at 1g, and increases by 1g per hour after until it reaches the set visiting fee.

Visiting fees of 100g or higher are bad for the owner, unless they are trying to designate that fief as some sort of craft haven for their own clanmembers. Just find some fiefs with lower visiting fees, they aren't all at 100g nor will they be.
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Re: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2011, 10:08:02 pm »
I traveled across the map 4 times now, and 7/10 of the clan owned fiefs had a 100g/hr visiting fee, the others had between 5-20g per hour.

The other part of the suggestion would actually work I think since for the most part it would do what its supposed to do. Your reasoning basically boils down to people will exploit a game regardless so why put that feature in since it will just be exploited. It works in favour of trade alliances, and forces clan to HAVE to seek trade alliances. On the other hand it also promotes clans not getting too big and controlling too much area since it won't be as profitable to be a big entity that doesn't want to at least work with their neighbours.

Also this reasoning helps reinforce that people need to be traveling the map to make money, not just sitting in one fief and making gold.

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Re: Schizophrenic me; How I realized I want two different things from strat.
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2011, 03:59:05 am »
What we should NOT do:
Is to increase micro management. A lot of the suggestions I see try to limit the larger alliances by increase the amount of work they are supposed to do. THIS WILL NOT WORK.
It will either bore people to death, or bring out the most avid of strategy gamers. Micro mangement will not kill alliances, it will kill the casuals.

Whilst I do not think increasing micromanagement is the answer to nerfing alliances, I do not agree with your reasoning against it.  It is Casual gamers that are willing to do exactly whatever their faction leader tells them that are propping up the larger clans and preventing the smaller clans and neutrals from getting a real look in.  Taking the casuals out of Strat, but leaving them able to fight in Strat Battles for their clans is something I think would actually improve Strat a lot as a whole.  The best way I can think of for doing this though is to reward people for not actually playing Strat.

Let casuals build a house in a village which takes them off the strat map, but lets them generate goods that are placed for sale on a village marketplace.  They get to set the price for their goods and then any money they make is automatically transferred to their cRPG char.  The goods are free to generate and their is no crafting efficiency so all the casual has to worry about is the price of the goods.  It is win-win for me.  The casual gets extra cRPG cash, still gets to fight in their clans Strat Battles, but no longer supports just their clan's economy.  Instead everybody has access to the goods they craft which means a neutral trader acting alone does not have to wait 2 weeks bewteen trade runs whilst they craft the goods themselves.  Less time between trade runs = less cash spent on visiting fees = more trade runs = more caravan raids.

Furthermore - less casuals = less pointless battles.  Out of the 19 battles currently on the battle list, 10 are against 0 troop armies and a further 2 are against people with just 4 troops.  These are just excess clutter that hide the proper battles and makes people give up looking for decent battles.

This isn't by any means a full solution to Strat's problems however it is a damn good start
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 04:01:37 am by Tomas »