Plate Covered Round Shield -> slots 2 (its best shield in 1slot, has no analogue)
Perfectly logical argument right there. And when another 1 slot shield takes its place as the "top" 1 slot shield, it too should be removed and replaced by another?
The 1 slot plate covered round shield doesn't have very high hit points at all. It's advantage is vrs cut type weapons. This happens to be a lot of AGI spammers with their katanas. Vrs any kind of armour piercing or axe weapon it falls apart very fast. Lets also consider that it has 75 speed rating and so you're unable to shield block until the shield is fully up, not to mention its size.
Yes, lets please gimp shielders even more. They don't have a hard time as it is, do they? (And this is coming from me, a 2 handed axe user...)
Your name is very apt.