Rolling stupid STF, sure. Playing in formation? HAHAHA
We've been there, done that. We've had the best possible fun you could ever have in this game with out TS sessions, we've had tons of people wanting to join us after seeing us performing on battle server as a group, we've had more then 1 female on our TS at the same time, we've had a lot of good things in this game but as we all know it: good things tend to end quite fast. With some of our charismatic members being unjustly banned and/or forced into GTXting, lots of members losing interest for this game and me losing interest for many things around here I've decided to call it a day on my clan leading.
In my opinion this game is overplayed and its engine is limited and it can't provide anymore groundbreaking changes that will keep people addicted AND fun at the same time. That's just my opinion ofc, i might be wrong. New Strat is coming, we've waited for it for ages but i don't think it will be a long-term excitement as it used to be, even if I'm wrong i can't promise my own presence on a regular basis anymore, due to some real life stuff (and ofc GW2 altho i mostly play it at work since it randomly crashes at home where i have a better comp, freaking out here
This doesn't mean i won't be playing cRPG at all (even tho i don't have it installed atm), sure - I'll give it a shot to see this new stuff and all the changes but it will be as a clanless guy or a regular member of some other clan (if someone wants an old fart like me in the first place) and coming online now and then, participating in a battle or two, depending on my preferences rather then my obligations.
I also think that this is a great opportunity for those who maybe got bored with arabian styled equipment to try something new, another role-playing theme or just go clanless and wear random ugly shit.
As for our TS: I'll ask the nditions guys to leave a channel for us as nothing will change in that department: we can still gather whenever we like and play together, no matter the tags & banners. Our new clan thread material is ready (thx to Gazda & Bosco for their efforts) but i will keep it for some future occasion, probably Mount & Blade 2 as I won't be leading anymore clans in this version and I'm sure we'll all be playing it once its finished.
Those few who were on TS tonight know what i think, faithful Teutten will deal with our bank & armory, take your time. I'm guessing half of our members wont even notice this as they are completely inactive and might not even log in to read it so no big deal.
Please don't spam this thread with nonsense as i will look for a fitting picture to close it with.
Thx to whoever put those unnecessary 40% on top of my deserved 60% mutilation to keep me muted for so long and kept me away from forum nonsense, combined with GW2 and real life it finally cured my cRPG syndrom. Not that i was playing that much but reading all those piles of crap across this forum is a bad habit as well cause it often makes you replying to it.
Even CMP plays more of GW2 then cRPG. Nuff said.