Free at last \o/
Wonder why I got muted out of nowhere for
this single post. Guess someone had a bad dump in the morning issuing mutes for that.
On another note: Umbra, you're an idiot. Not enough character to just stay away from something w/o making an idiot out of yourself? Weak.
And another note: Ban of Panos was totally uncalled for. He's a troll but in every other way harmless. Best thing was cmp tho. "Well, you actually got a point with all those screenshots but instead of going for the cheaters and exploiters... Well, I just gonna permaban you instead, just because you are you and I am completely overchallenged with handling you and your accusations. Oh, and you posted one picture several times. That has to be punished with a permaban!" Way to go!
Anything else I forgot to mention after my mute?
Nope, don't think I forgot something.