This thread deserves a bump.
I'm having a hard time deciding if I should read the Engineer Trilogy or Song of Ice and Fire next
Haven't heard of the Engineer Trilogy but I decided to take a crack at the Ice and Fire series. Was surprised how much time I sank into them. Went out of town for a week, blazed through the first book in like 4 days and in the last 3 days I had polished off 850ish pages on the Second Book.
It's awesome how much difference in the story and the characters between the TV show and the Book itself, of course, any fan will tell you that, but it's also nice after watching the TV show to have an image in your head for the characters there in the story--as well as an image you make for the characters you haven't seen or don't remember from the TV show.
I would definitely recommend it, and I hardly ever read anything, I was just surprised that with 2-3 hours of reading on vacation a day that I dived that deeply into these novels.