The proper term is insecure, and the ones who tend to be insecure are the ones who feel the need to post shirtless pics of themselves on an online game showing off their pasty steroid induced abs to try and be the bigger man on a gaming forum. Just give up. You are done.
Ur not Buff buddy, your just a skinny as hell.
Well, you two seem to be contradicting yourselves, so it seems I have no need to make a legitimate reply to either.
But, on the other hand, I guess everyone deemed skinny (by Snickers at least) is able to deadlift 405lbs. Damn, the world's population must be so strong, I can't imagine what someone who is deemed as fat is able to deadlift.
And Snickers, if I am 'skinny as hell', but still stronger than you, doesn't that make you absolutely pathetic? Unless of course you are skinnier than hell