Author Topic: Strat Mansions  (Read 809 times)

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Offline SoA_Sir_ODHarry

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Strat Mansions
« on: December 03, 2011, 10:42:30 pm »
I just got an Idea which maybe would make strat more attractive for clanless peeps and would  be anyway awesome.

Basic Idea is too allow 1 own Fief per player. This Fiefs could be build up too some things like a Shop,Farm,Smith,Stabel etc.
(Farms would be cool if too the upkeep of Troops in addiotion too gold food is added ).

This leaded me to this^^

Citys and Castels could have Territorys they controll within the normal Fiefs we have now.So Clans kinda influence the player Fiefs if they in their Territory and otherwise make Clanless peeps/small Clans alot more importantfor the big/medium sized Clans too.
City/Castel Fiefs just can be occupyed by another faction too gain fully controll of them they need too take the city/castel.
Player Fiefs would add alot too the game like they would be an Aim for Bandits so they might seek the Protection of Clans or got so rich that they could hire own mercs.
Make clanless peopel theoritcal so powerfull that they eventually be abel too maintain an Army or had a economically weight which also would bother big clans, would add plenty of
game dynamics.
Also Mercs could bring they own equipment(which must be anyhow limited then)
Add differnt Batteloptions/modes  in different situations set through the amount of Troops and Type of the Action:

just availabel wit a small amount of involved Troops.
eventually Mercs can bring they own stuff too the Fight and keep it after dying.
-Viking Raids
when attacking a city, normal Fief or caravans with larger amount of Troops
output of Warez is greater and the city/fief not gettin owned.
  availabel wit large Amount of Troops and siege Eqouip.
(maybe big armys set a army camp when resting
some options like engage ,defend, ambushes could be availbel.)

Its got a bit much RPGish but i think nothing else than this direction  would make clanless peopel get more interessted into Strat.
Also it would add so much more too the Clanwars/politics.

Rest is my Dream mod  :lol:

greetz OD

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2011, 10:46:56 pm »
I agree with the general idea of giving clanless people more power to bother larger clans. Also adding raids that don't affect fief control but steal resources sounds like a cool idea. Of course, adding more dynamics into strat means there are more avenues of abuse...
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Offline Dehitay

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2011, 11:14:37 pm »
Giving clanless people the power to attack clans is just going to result in the individuals of a clan obtaining that power themselves so their collective might will be greater than any clanless people. Also, when you say conquer, do you meant the player fief would fall under somebody else's control? That could be worked in an interesting way, but without further details, I think it would be more game balancing to just have the player fief destroyed in such a case.

However, the idea is interesting. If every player could select one fief on the map where they get territory for X amount of money (possibly derived on what type of fief it is). Then they could store stuff in their personal fief without actually having to conquer a map fief. What I'm most interested in is the fact that this could be an ideal way to add the stronghold mod into Strat. Rather than resources being built up over time, the player gets to design his own castle based on how much gold he had stored in the fief during some prep time.

The attackers could have to put up some attacking fee based on a 1:10 scale of how much gold they want to try to raid. If they want to try to steal 12000 gold, they have to put up 1200 to attack. Then set up the dummies to where each time a dummy is killed, the other team gets X% of the victim dummy's team's gold.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 11:19:23 pm by Dehitay »

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2011, 11:36:38 pm »
Please Harry, work a bit on your grammar next time xD

Also, I know where you would want your fief :D
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Offline SoA_Sir_ODHarry

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2011, 11:39:42 pm »
yes sry for the grammar drama

why u think i made this Thread  :mrgreen:
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Offline SoA_Sir_ODHarry

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2011, 11:42:19 pm »
ye Clans always have more power i guess thats 1 reason why bein in 1.
but when every player individual have more options to influence the game in general it gettin more fun for them and when u think bout it such add plenty of dynamics and situations to let strat be less (monotone) and even is kinda reallistic for the medival time its set in.
wit Fiefs and kinda jobs they get through them they even could create guilds which a bit different from would be such nice add too the economy system and so affect the Clans Bigtime too.
I didnt thought bout how too balance the player fiefs but i think ithey shouldnt be concuer- or destroyabel because that would scare dem peeps away again and would make them fail.

: I'm most interested in is the fact that this could be an ideal way to add the stronghold mod into Strat

yes i thought at that too but i think that would be too hard too implement

and yes for the nice raid system  :mrgreen:

« Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 11:43:34 pm by SoA_Sir_ODHarry »
Crob: i'm in duel tryin to not be shit
Crob: now i'm running round eu2 with a dagger

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Re: Strat Mansions
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2011, 03:16:00 am »
Cool idea, but it won't happen unfortunately.
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