You guys are msising on some of this:
Targets 1, 2 and 4 are the only EUs not in the mega coalition.
Basically HRE and Fallen fought Hospergllers and Occitan, FCC fought ATS, TKoV fought Hate, - these are all medium to large factions and they duke it out in NA turf, stopping too much of a circle jerk from happening, probably would be a lot more, but with practically all of EU working together it puts a damper on our fun NA wars as invasion imminent. Most of the wars you listed in EU is basically 1 war, where a giant allaince is attacking the few small clans not in that giant alliance (except HRE, which is the only decent sized clan they have fought so far). Trying to go by number of clans atatcked and doing percentage doesnt tell you anything. For example Byzantium is completely inactive.
Under chadz's calcualtion 64% of players are EU, so with msot of EU and Hospergllers and Occitan working together its essentially 70% of the player base circle-jerking each other about how they can take out other clans 1 by 1 with 20x the resources. It gets boring how uncreative these European players are. You have all of this land dedicated to EU ping and they cant even fight each other but have to go invade the only area of the map where factions fight each other - NA land.
Part of the problem was that chadz drew the line out ion the north and didnt really displace any EU clans other than 1 or 2, whicha llowed all of them to go back to their old claims and kiss each other's asses and talk big as they never had defending them as most of eu allied with each other. Ousting them form that area with NA ping would have POTENTIALLY made infighting possible, but chadz said he oesnt make decision based on taht, never mind that it basically is 1/3rd the reason the current start version has been far a and away the most boring and pointless.