Author Topic: can we all admit the new (last balance patch) archer paradigm is fucking terribl  (Read 8995 times)

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Offline MrShine

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You could cut off archer's legs and make them stationary turrets and melee units who fail at adapting will still complain.  :rolleyes:
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!

Offline Taggerung

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Most archers are 24/18 at level 31.

8 Power Draw
6 Athletics
6 Weapon Master

This obviously varies per player, as some go 18/24 instead or throw points into IF/PS to defend themselves.

Pretty much all agi builds can catch an archer, and any single dedicated shield player can kill a single archer. The problem is that you idiots on the pub servers go after a group of 3 or more archers and they run to have you shot up by their friends.

What you idiots want to nerf is team work done by archers because you're two handed/polearm spam class gets shot up by archers when you approach them...well here s a bit of news. There is no single archer built or player that is OP....there hasn't been one since they changed the level system.

What's sad is that you would still get people complaining about archers even if they did exactly what MrShine said.

Offline To Kill A Dead Horse

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I used to think that archery was balanced, then i took an arrow in the knee.
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why all cry about archery? i think it is now so- 80% ranged on server are xbow, and only 20% archers, from this 20% 1-2 maybe skilled archers, other are just free kill.
shooting at people from a reachable place as last man standing is not delaying. Even if you're on the other side of the map.

Offline Tzar

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why all cry about archery? i think it is now so- 80% ranged on server are xbow, and only 20% archers, from this 20% 1-2 maybe skilled archers, other are just free kill.

How would you know  :?: all you do is camp a roof or some hay stack for 7 min each round......
I've never played a server where people split up as much or as often as on EU1.  No wonder range is having a field day.

Offline Old_Sir_Agor

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because this gen i was horseman and then shielder, come on you shoud see it by yourself, far more xbowmans then archers today, or melee with xbows as second weapon
shooting at people from a reachable place as last man standing is not delaying. Even if you're on the other side of the map.

Offline Elmokki

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There are lots of melee with crossbows since:

1) You can get a decent weapon with arbalest and bolts
2) You can get a good weapon you'd use even normally with a normal crossbow and bolts
3) You can get decent accuracy for shooting to even some distance by just investing a couple of points to weapon mastery
4) Even with almost zero accuracy you can get a shot off at close range before swapping to your main weapon.

My two last generations had a normal crossbow with profiencies ranging 80-120. Compared to the investment it was a ridiculously useful weapon. Current gen if I had made a bit different build I might have an arbalest since the 1 slot options for 2h wpf are my favourites anyway.

Bottomline is, at this rate my next gen will definitely be an arbalestman with enough 2h wpf and full ps to be perfectly viable in melee either with a short weapon or if I survive for long (far more likely as a ranged!) I can loot a longer weapon since 2h is so very common weapon type.

Throwing and archery both need a lot more investment in them to be useful thanks to power throw / draw.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 06:22:51 pm by Elmokki »

Offline Gisbert_of_Thuringia

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Saying that only bodkins are useful is comeplete rubbish and show you are no archer.

I have masterwork bodkins and at the moment I often use nonloomed barbed arrows, because of money issues (bodkins are very expensive and together with longbow you lose all your money if you haven't constant x3 or higher).
With my loomed bodkins I need 2 shots for a guy in light or medium armour, except for those with very light armour and 0 IF.
With my nonloomed barbed arrows I need exactly the same amount of arrows for those targets --> 2

So other arrows are actually not useless. And now if you have for example loomed tatar arrows, you will probably oneshot most people with light or medium-light amour.

Bodkins only advantage is against heavy armour, plate etc, because for such guys I need 4 or 5 of my nonloomed barbed and they still walk^^
But against lightly armoured targets using bodkins is actually a waste of good ammo, because the amount of ammo is small and you still need 2 for most guys.

Cool would be having one stack of pierce and one stack of cut arrows and then changing the shot type by pressing x for alternative mode^^

Fighting archers is no fun?  Orly?  Fighting shielders for an archer is also no fun, especially not with a hammer, 0 ps and almost no athletics :/
Fighting cav is also no fun since jumpshooting doesn't exist anymore.
Fighting Xbows is also no fun, because they can aim as long as they want and when they reload they can just hide and then step out of cover with their xbow ready to shoot :/
Fighting throwers is no fun as well, because they can walk with their weapon ready, almost not losing accuracy and they can as well hold their "draw"/aim/whatever forever :/

So you continue whining?  :rolleyes:

Offline Lech

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Most archers are 24/18 at level 31.

8 Power Draw
6 Athletics
6 Weapon Master

This obviously varies per player, as some go 18/24 instead or throw points into IF/PS to defend themselves.

Pretty much all agi builds can catch an archer, and any single dedicated shield player can kill a single archer. The problem is that you idiots on the pub servers go after a group of 3 or more archers and they run to have you shot up by their friends.

What you idiots want to nerf is team work done by archers because you're two handed/polearm spam class gets shot up by archers when you approach them...well here s a bit of news. There is no single archer built or player that is OP....there hasn't been one since they changed the level system.

What's sad is that you would still get people complaining about archers even if they did exactly what MrShine said.
Dedicated shield can't catch the archer, and archer can just run away leaving shield user vulnerable to other archers (and if shield user stop the pursuit, archer just turn and shoot him dead). And dedicated shield user is the only infantry that have some chances (to survive) against multiple ranged.

It's hardly teamwork, it's extremely easy to crossfire when so many players have some ranged weapon. Xbows at least have to reload from time to time and can't just kite, throwers have limited ammo. Archers can just play like pussies and it need to be nerfed - it should be like it was irl - if they want to run away and survive, ok. But throw away your bow first.

Offline Gisbert_of_Thuringia

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Most archers are 24/18 at level 31.

8 Power Draw
6 Athletics
6 Weapon Master

This obviously varies per player, as some go 18/24 instead or throw points into IF/PS to defend themselves.

Pretty much all agi builds can catch an archer, and any single dedicated shield player can kill a single archer. The problem is that you idiots on the pub servers go after a group of 3 or more archers and they run to have you shot up by their friends.

What you idiots want to nerf is team work done by archers because you're two handed/polearm spam class gets shot up by archers when you approach them...well here s a bit of news. There is no single archer built or player that is OP....there hasn't been one since they changed the level system.

What's sad is that you would still get people complaining about archers even if they did exactly what MrShine said.

I have no idea where you got that from that most archers have 24/18 at lvl 31.  I couldn't name anyone who would use such a build. You know you would hit almost nothing with 8 pd but only 6 wm?^^

But I really agree with the rest of what you wrote man :)

Offline Wrenaq_Lars

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why all cry about archery? i think it is now so- 80% ranged on server are xbow, and only 20% archers, from this 20% 1-2 maybe skilled archers, other are just free kill.
This, if anything nerf xbows, How many two handers carry an xbow as a side arm? Loads do,Heck I hate xbows cos you can use them with just str and I get one shotted all the time from them.
  This game is a little like rock paper scissors in a way and Iam sick of reading that everyone hates archers, look at the score boards and its the two hander/polearm users who top the boards all the time.
I made a new main and respected at level 16-18 to see what all thew classes are like, Two handers I got a positive score at level 12 but as an archer (which I have gone back to) at level 20 Iam lucky if I can break even in the scores.

Offline Rogue_Eagle

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I used to melee more as archer when I could carry a half decent melee weapon. The nerfing of amount of arrows carried has forced me to carry a 0 slot weapon if I want to do any decent damage with a bow. I have been forced to kite.

Offline Cup1d

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I have no idea where you got that from that most archers have 24/18 at lvl 31.  I couldn't name anyone who would use such a build. You know you would hit almost nothing with 8 pd but only 6 wm?^^

But I really agree with the rest of what you wrote man :)

Dude, it's mericans builds. you know they like builds like those:

Heavy infantry
36 str \ 3 agi, 0 athletics, black armor

Medium infantry
36 str \ 3 agi, 1 athletics, milanese plate

Merican ninja
33 str \ 6 agi, 2 athletics, heavy strange armor

Merican kiter-archer
27 str \ 9 agi, 3 athletics, bride dress

Offline Jambi

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Nerf archery more, im still topping the scoreboards. QQ
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 03:21:50 pm by Jambi »
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.

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Having done an 24/18 8Pd 6WM 3ATHL build at level 30, I assure you that it is extremely possible to hit things even far away (at least with a WM Rus bow), that was my basis for my 33 build (Thank goodness I finally leveled higher into more athletics and such). Other people I know tried it out (for level 30) and with standard rus bows attained positive KDs their first swing. All it takes is supportive clan mates and you paying very close attention to avoid being overrun.
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