Attention clan leaders, officers, organizers and people who have a fetish for fiddling with data. Here is a handy method for helping get your clan crafting in order for Strategus. These are elite Norse Horde secrets which I share with you because I hope to see Strategus succeed.
I will tell you how to very easily make a complicated looking spreadsheet to help you track all your clan's crafting info. It looks harder than it is and you can have it setup and loaded with your own data in about 2 minutes. --> Spreadsheet
In the spreadsheet, click "Share". I advise changing it to "anyone with a link" but you can also keep it private and add specific people who can access it.
Here's a snippet of the Norse Horde spreadsheet:
1) Create your column headings, exactly like ours ("Merchant cost" is optional, but helpful)
2) Have people go into strategus and highlight their crafting and copy it (Ctrl-C on Windows), like so:
3) Have them go to the Google spreadsheet, find the bottom of your data, highlight the 4 main columns, like so:
(If they have previously entered data, they should sort by name and delete all of their existing entries, then re-sort and continue with step 3.)
(See at the bottom where I have columns 2-5 selected)
4) Hit "Paste". This will correctly paste in all your data.
5) Have them fill in column #1 with their name. The easy way to do this is to type it once, then grab the lower right corner of that box and drag it down the row. This will copy the name for the rows you select.
Some general tips:
* Click the upper left box to select all data
* The best way to sort your data is to select all of it, then go to Data --> Sort Range --> check "data has header column" and pick the column you want to sort. This will guarantee you sort the whole spreadsheet properly.
* If you want to do "Merchant Cost" like I'm doing it, here is the formula:
=round(-(E2/(D2-1))) Type it into the top column then copy it down the row the same way I said to do the name in step 5 above. Note that this is a calculated value and will be a little off from the real merchant value. (This is due to "cost" being a rounded value. So it's a little off but it sure beats typing all those numbers in by hand.)
* If you don't want members accessing your spreadsheet directly, perhaps because your clan is full of douchebags, then note that copying from a forum doesn't seem to work -- the forum loses the tabstops that tell the spreadsheet where the columns are. Two ways around this:
a) Have them paste it into a forum that you have moderator access to, then go in and edit their message and copy-paste from there. This works for phpBB forums, anyway
b) Have them paste it into a text document, like notepad, then upload that as an attachment. That should work.
Note that I'm pretty new to this myself and am not an expert and might even be doing some things wrong/dumb, but this has been very helpful for us. Let me know if you have any questions.