Skryim sucks. Don't have good melee combat = worthless. Maybe if codders implement mnb combat and multiplayer and dual wielding.
It does have duel wielding. I can tell you have not played it.
And if you think M&B has good melee combat.......ho ho ho. The directional blocking isnt particularly fresh and is really about learning the reflexes required to move the mouse at the right time, rather than skill this is merely a learned reaction that anyone could pick up in time.
As for general combat, it isnt much more than feinting and dancing about in backwards circles, occasionally sliding around slower people, more learned reflexes in fact. The only decent melee skill worth being proud about is chambering, something I love to see.
After all this, how you perform is made up from gear/level and just a touch of random chance.
Oh but I forgot you use a shield, you rarely need to implement the blocking system, but dont worry in skyrim you only need to hold right mouse to block anyhow, you ought to be right at home.
But facetious observations aside, if you play a game like Skyrim just for it's combat, you shouldn't have purchased it in the first place.
The main thing about Skyrim is it allows me to play how I want to, unlike crpg where doing so is slowly being turned into a non-option.
The entertainment and originality of this module was killed off a while ago, I pray that it doesnt happen to other games I like.