If you play HA y0 must have very big money, good bow, arrow and you must have skill! chadz nerf HA because he dont like HA!!!Ahhh this Suc*!If you dont like Ha go a serwer sige!.... chadz nerf Ha and i must sell my mw bow, mw arrow and all horse! im now 1h+shield!! ;/
Are you retarded?Playing HA ist still easy depending on the map.
Sure, you won´t get much kills, but you can help your team nicely by shooting people a bit or bumping them etc.
And it´s noot that expensive.Sure, Arrows are expensive now, just use normal ones or so which are cheap as hell.And using a Horse costing more than 10k is not advisable, too.Otherwise - Tribal warrior outfit and steppe cap.And Shortened Spear as Sideweapon.
Together with a khergit bow not even 20k of Equip and fun to play.
Stop crying.