Author Topic: OMG Bodkins!  (Read 244 times)

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OMG Bodkins!
« on: November 11, 2011, 12:54:13 am »
The recent change from bow type to arrow type to determine damage has led to an outcry that everyone is using Bodkins. Without going into that argument, I'm going to address it as if it were true and suggest an alternative.
Improve the arrow heirloom line by continuing the max ammo progression, rather than beginning a damage progression. Keep the cut damage at 2, but make Sharp arrows max ammo be 30 and Masterwork Arrows max ammo to 35. An argument could be made that if damage were to be kept at 2, then max ammo should be 40 to make up for the loss of 2 damage per arrow.
The rest of the cutting arrows could then also receive a slight bump in ammo.

Then you have a clear choice of damage, or plenty of ammo. With light bow and HA builds, I think the ammo route would be taken over the damaging bodkins. Once again tanks would be tanking most arrows.

A similiar look and progression for throwing weapons might improve that class as well.
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