Don't think Sinj is a grey anymore
Sinj and Five left GO with Olwen months ago.
I think Elmokki is/was a Grey member, not sure though. Up to admins, anyway.
gorNN is well known troll, he signed up for defenders yesterday becouse we didn't accepted him for our last battle
, but of course he played for us today, I don't see anyone called GoR, and I've never seen anyone with such a nick,
About Whyno, I think that everyone knows that signing up against your own faction is bannable, he wasn't on TS so there was nothing that could be done about it, so I really don't care if he got banned or not.
We always try to inform everyone before battle what should they do (including warning to not sign up against us
). Don't get too paranoid. It's not our foult that people don't show up at strategus battles, even is they were sign up.