Come on guys, how would you feel if you were in his shoes? Be nice..
See this is the problem!
I am rather new to CRPG and I would NEVER FIND MYSELF IN HIS SHOES!
I believe that one learns from his mistakes. The harsher the ... lesson the better the learning. So he lost a +2 item so its a mistake he will most likely never make again!
I really do not understand what the Admins need to do about this! Return the items? Why? Because he got TRICKED?
Well sorry the Marketplace here works like the free market. Fools get fooled, hagglers haggle and the prices go up and down depending on the amount of goods in the market. If the market got flooded with looms their price would go down... if people decided not to sell anything just so they can grow their epeen by having even Loomed Stones also the price will change...
Why should the admin (read Goverment) step in and mess with the free market?
The OP should have simply said... NO! To this obvious bad deal! Or perhaps he should have asked for a collateral... for example he should have put for trade his +2 horse the 400k and asked for the +3 sword... if the person said no (although there is a massive collateral given) he obsiously was not to be trusted!
If you are scammed come here, post it to alert the community, post it in buy/sell forums but dont whine about being given back what you foolishly lost! Tough it out and try harder. If you have a clan and friends ask some support from them in being given other items to make up for it...
Sorry if this sounds harsh but unless you pay for your mistakes you dont learn.