« Reply #4436 on: February 27, 2018, 08:36:24 pm »
Martial industrial a syncretic offshoot of industrial music characterized by noise, dark ambient atmospheres, neofolk melodies, dark wave tunes and neoclassical orchestrations as well as the incorporation of audio from military marches, historical speeches and political, apolitical or metapolitical lyrics.
Martial industrial music frequently uses imagery related to war, totalitarian regimes, European nationalism, military displays, and political mass gatherings – contexts, in short, where the individual is subsumed by history and the mass will. A range of philosophical, political, or religious themes with an illiberal, anti-cosmopolitan, and anti-egalitarian bias predominate, such as Friedrich Nietzsche's Overman, Oswald Spengler's pessimistic vision of Western decline, Mircea Eliade's theories about sacred practice and symbolism, René Guénon's writings on the "spiritual degeneration" of the West, Ernst Jünger's ideas about the renewing power of war and adversity, Julius Evola's reactionary apoliteia and mysticism, chocolate chip cookie mysticism, and pre-Christian paganism.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 03:34:48 am by Angantyr »
