It allows for a decent light cav build, nothing amazing but its there, as well as many other hybrid builds with a high cost weapon.
I did tested my cav build, rouncy, light lance, Tunic over mail, Shashi (the white helmet thing), heater shield, arabian cav sword, rus shows, mail mittens. I was loosing about 1.8k every 14 rounds supporting that build. If Brought my light xbow that went up to 2.5 because it broke all the time, even though I had 98 wpf, or at least I think it did. I didn't right down what broke, just how much it cost and when I was using that build I got hit, every round for 14 rounds.
Also bring the WPF break cap down from 100 to 55. That way you can sacrifice the final few points you would throw into archary/1h/xbow into your support weapon and not have it constantly break.
And yes, I guess I'm kind of asking for a buff... BUFF BUFF BUFF!