Once again I can confirm Blu used the name.
I am the leader of both RCC & RRC, and BLU is a lesser ranked member of the cRPG part of RRC.
If it is required, I can prove I am a member of both Taleworlds (Using the name 'N0body' and owner of the RCC clan.
BLU joined back in september here:
http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,131803.msg3320394.html#msg3320394Though I believe he join a week earlier than that post.
At that time he was using BLUcody, and created a new account for the RRC tags, and his strategus account was Tickity of the edge.
He never actually used the account on strategus, and gave up playing it as he said it was too 'confusing'.
I'm only posting here as he is one of my clan members, and is unable to play the game.