Author Topic: Namechange  (Read 405 times)

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Offline WarLord

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« on: October 26, 2011, 06:23:23 pm »

tonight the crpg website and also the forums (at least temporarily) were not available for about an hour, there was this error message I cant really remember.

It happens that I just retired about 10 or 20 minutes before everything was down for about an hour, and I could not change my name. When I was able to connect to the website again, it was only a few minutes if not seconds before the "after retirement namechange one hours timeframe" was over. So I just picked one of my familar names as quick as I could, because I really wanted to change the name. But that name is not the name I want to have, it was just because I was out of time.

So if I now apply for a namechange could some admin pls accept it even if its a totally different name?

I would much appreciate it :)


PS: Accountname is "Fallen_WarLord", character is my Main, now named Zilli0n (my earliest nickname ever, but normally I dont use it for games  :oops: )