1 day the country of free men and women ll attacked by traitor scums.at that day an old warrior legendary rider from east ll return to protect this holy country from bloodthirsty scums.in that day that mighty warrior ll return to home of his sword for protectin this contry for protectin his brothers and sisters.in this days that small and honorurable country of free men and women,country of free warriors is on under the siege by several bloodthirsty traitor scums.this is the fate.this is that day.this is the day of great things and great battles.at dawn at the east side a horrible voice is comin.a voice that given fear to dark heart,a voice given death to traitors,a voice of horse is marching to the west,voice of the horse is like an angry lion but its rider is in silence.lookin to the west with sharp eyes.his damascus blade is sharpen his lance is reachin to the sky...and he s comin back for honour for justice for vengeanceeee