Right now you have two kinds of horses
#1 Glass Cannons- High movement and maneuverability, piss poor life.
#2 Panzer-ponies- Also high movement speed, heavy armor, and stupidly high charge damage.
Right now, if you have a heavy horse, there is no reason why your KDR should be lower than 4 to 1 unless you have a terminal case of suckage. A horrible player can easily achieve god-like KDR with a panzer-pony.
I suggest a change in how we examine the roles of horses.
First off, the overall deciding factor of what horse to use should not just be "do I want ot grind up to 60k gold?" Each horse should be unique, have advantages and disadvantages, and should be desirable to different sets of players. What I suggest is not a buff for horses
My suggested changes
#1 freeby horse. No reqs. Slow, weak, no maneuverability. We shall call this "Taxi-horse." No character req commitment, but a horribly poor choice for combat. Designed to be utilized for getting from point A to Point B... much like my first car.
#2 Agile Horse. This would be the desert and sarranid horse. They would have around 110-120 life and 18-20 armor. A slight speed reduction and a noticeable charge damage reduction would be induced. Charge damage would be along the lines of 6-8 damage. Riding requirements would be 2-4
#3 Speed horses. Low Agility (38ish) High speed, 110-120 life, 15-20 armor. Very low charge damage (4-7.) Good for horse archers on an open plains, bad in a tight corner. Horse reqs 2-4.
#4 Medium horses. 140-160 life 25-35 armor, 15-20 charge damage. Medium-Low speed, Medium maneuverability. Can take a hit or two, but won't be able to dish out the charge damage that they currently do. Req 4-6
#5 Heavy cruisers. 110-120 life, 40-55 armor, High speed (46-49 ish) low maneuverability (37ish.) Riding reqs 4-6. Charge damage 15-18. The speedy horse for the dedicated horse rider. Can take arrows, but dies quickly to pikes. req 6
#6 Heavy Turners. 130 Life, 40-55 armor, 40-55 armor, High Maneuverability (46-49ish), low speed (38-40) Riding reqs 5-6. Charge damage 15-18. Designed for melee users on horseback. High armor, medium life, good turner. Great for weaving in and out of a cluster-F%#^. Riding requirement 6
#7 The Heavy. 160 life, 50-60 armor. 37 Speed, 40 maneuverability. Charge damage 20-25 Riding Req 10
#8 The "Durrrr" Tank. 150 life. 50 armor. 32 speed, 32 maneuverability, 35-40 charge damage. Riding Req 5-6. Best used with a glob of slobber creeping out of your half-opened mouth. Designed to appeal to the current cavalry "gods." Riding requirement 12
Additionally, if possible, I suggest a 10% exp penalty for players who have a horse equiped
(removed due to complaints)
The end result of the change would be this
#1 Horse charge damage would not be a player's primary way of damaging an opponent
-All the charge damage across the board has been reduced. This forces a player to rely on their skill rather than their "W" key.
#2 Arrows would take out most horses in 4-5 hits instead of the 1-3 for light horses and ??? for heavy.
-Pikes, throwing spears/lances, and crossbows would become the main threat to cavalry instead of arrows.
#3 Variety in horse choices on the field.
-Less monotoned than the battlefield currently is
#4 A steeper learning curve for cavalry.
-Less "Easy mode" applied for heavy horse users.