May I axe you a question?
At the present time, in my household me and my friend both have computers(I actually have 3 computers/3 steam accounts in 3 rooms at my house/mine/wife/his)
this guy is a long time IRL friend of mine who has been staying with my family as he's recently been on hard times, if you'd looked into his past he would be playing from an different IP than me(of his own house up north or whatnot)
Now tho if we would be at the same router, different wired links to it, used to be he was across town
I have restarted playing(sort of just still very busy IRL) and he hadn't had the urge yet to play again
Have different computers, but shouldn't same router show same basic IP, also my wife's on a another router completely on a wireless(I have multiple routers) and on her steam she has a character(although she hadn't played cRPG in forever)
I haven't had anything happen(of course he hasn't played cRPG), but I have often wondered if this meant you couldn't have multiple people playing from the same household?
PS you can skip the middle