Author Topic: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.  (Read 40202 times)

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #105 on: October 18, 2011, 12:59:02 am »
There is a perfect excuse for 100 accouts - there IS 100 real accounts, with real people behind.

From the same computer/house? You guys must get like 1min a day to play.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #106 on: October 18, 2011, 01:18:49 am »
The problem with the Grey Order isn't really this or that particular event. It's the attitude.

Even though I always followed the news on this forum very assiduously, I can't remember any ban-related abuse/exploit or any extremely borderline behavior that the Grey Order didn't commited to on a large scale. The leaders/diplomats also constantly fail at communication on the subject. The clan really looks like it doesn't care at all about its image.

There are many 100% honest and suspicion-free clans out there, including the top clans. The constant attitude of the Grey Order to use obvious exploits, not reporting them and communicate about it like "I was doing nothing wrong, no rules say I can't do that"/"I wasn't doing it, or I offer a totally stupid reason" (recently, a GO member stated that GO members are going to spec to team back and forth because... they need to go smoke a cigaret)/"Stop whining you n00b stfu"(old classic). I don't know what's the internal problem, but there is one thing I can say for sure, they aren't known for fairness.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #107 on: October 18, 2011, 01:26:03 am »
The problem with the Grey Order isn't really this or that particular event. It's the attitude.

Even though I always followed the news on this forum very assiduously, I can't remember any ban-related abuse/exploit or any extremely borderline behavior that the Grey Order didn't commited to on a large scale. The leaders/diplomats also constantly fail at communication on the subject. The clan really looks like it doesn't care at all about its image.

There are many 100% honest and suspicion-free clans out there, including the top clans. The constant attitude of the Grey Order to use obvious exploits, not reporting them and communicate about it like "I was doing nothing wrong, no rules say I can't do that"/"I wasn't doing it, or I offer a totally stupid reason" (recently, a GO member stated that GO members are going to spec to team back and forth because... they need to go smoke a cigaret)/"Stop whining you n00b stfu"(old classic). I don't know what's the internal problem, but there is one thing I can say for sure, they aren't known for fairness.
Can't remember reading that. Care to post a link?
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #108 on: October 18, 2011, 06:55:03 am »
Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.  :wink:

Also, I'm not really sure why you keep spamming this thread. You submitted your inquiry, response was given.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 07:01:57 am by Tot. »
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #109 on: October 18, 2011, 07:59:03 am »
Since I play cRPG I didn' see any member of GO insulting Fallen member on chat [at least I don't remember]. Bring up the proof.

Maybe you haven't, but it's happened a few times in the past, I don't care enough to be taking screenshots and crying about it, just stating why I found this funny.

My goodness... let me explain you how to deal with that: you make a screenshot, and send it to GO leaders. We'll deal with that.

EDIT: bit late, thanks Kalp.

There is a perfect excuse for 100 accouts - there IS 100 real accounts, with real people behind.

I understand that this thread become a "kick GO" thread. Go ahead and have fun. I'm done here.

I am not going to be taking screenies of someone insulting me over chat, I couldn't care less and as I already said to Kalp, I only stated it to explain why I smiled when I read you guys got caught with 100 real accounts being used from IP, which means your clan all probably payed for these accounts so one guy could go on and use them all on strat, which has been classed as cheating for a long time now. I won't be kicking you guys, you have kicked yourself enough.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 08:01:05 am by Leesin »

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #110 on: October 18, 2011, 10:03:43 am »
Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.  :wink:
so do retards. r u a lion? :wink:
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #111 on: October 18, 2011, 10:17:02 am »
Can't remember reading that. Care to post a link?

Just here :

So when I go to spectator for coffe and smoke or to eat something or go to toilet I break the rules ? hehe funny

Another cool one :

There is some things, that admins just aren't able to control. You can forbid us to use some items, you can forbid us to go somewhere, but you can't tell us when we can play and when we can't.

In that whole thread, GO posts are 90% hypocrisy.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #112 on: October 18, 2011, 10:27:41 am »
Pointing fingers doesn't help us as a community guys.
I see a lot of work here for devs and admins to clean up the mess of multi-accounting and i don't envy them for that work which needs to be done. I am glad that multi-accounting is now adressed and been dealt with more in this strategus setting.

@fellow faction leaders embrass the effort to get rid of multi-accounting and clean up your own ranks, if someone out of my faction would use that thing he wouldn't get any support of me. I know most of the clans leaders and diplomats and i couldn't tell that you my friends are in here with the purpose of cheating so please be respectfull against each other even if some factions have more bad apples. Over all we want to have fun in this game and make friends.

There are several unban requests which are reasonable as there are friends in reallife meeting in same places to play the game, parents and children are also sharing the experience of M&B crpg/strategus. This is all a good thing. Nevertehless some may use excatly these arguments to get through with multi-accounting. There is something called data-mining i believe, getting answers out of corallations how/when/who engaged in playing crpg/strategus and i know this will be used to seperate the bad apples. So even if you would use a proxy there is a fair chance because of the habits of people who use multiaccounting they will be found. The more energy it would take to cheat the less interesting it gets to use them so. Also there may be changes to the game mechanics which make multi-accounting and account sharing unsuitable/unnesseray. That in mind i'd like to have of our community a brainstorming to help our developers to find ways to discourage these unfair gaming methods.
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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #113 on: October 18, 2011, 10:30:33 am »

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #114 on: October 18, 2011, 10:31:33 am »
Also there may be changes to the game mechanics which make multi-accounting and account sharing unsuitable/unnesseray. That in mind i'd like to have of our community a brainstorming to help our developers to find ways to discourage these unfair gaming methods.

Especially this. Ginger already suggested that Strat money should only be obtainable through playing cRPG. The problem would solve itself without the drama, the administrative burden and the flaws of multiaccount hunting.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #115 on: October 18, 2011, 10:31:44 am »
Kinngrimm wants to kill the drama....  :evil:

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #116 on: October 18, 2011, 10:33:21 am »
Kinngrimm wants to kill the drama....  :evil:

Can't we all get along ?  :cry:

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #117 on: October 18, 2011, 11:09:54 am »
Maybe... -bollocks-... enough.

There is a difference between multiaccounting (no, no one in GO has or had over 100 warband keys for his own usage  :rolleyes:) and accountsharing which happened in last strategus  :oops:, it means that someone received logins and passwords to over 100 accounts. I was surprised when I saw chadz post, but... well as someone already said numbers grown within months, at some point we had about 130 players. Of course not all of them were active in cRPG, some just in strategus while the others dissaperead after day or two, nothing unusual. Just to make perfectly clear, behind whose warband keys there are real players, we didn't bought over 100 cd keys, I'm to lazy to check who started spreading this bullshit, but it's just your imagination.

About multiaccounting, there were few guys from GO (I'm not sure how many) banned for playing from the same IP adress, and it happened to many others. People have brothers, friends etc. some of them can't play at the same time, as they share same PC, or due to ping issue. You cann't judge with 100% certainitywho is lying about it and who is not. I'm not defending anyone, just sayin'.

This strategus round we are trying to keep as clean and fair as we can. Many things has changed, so we all need to adjust and learn how to actually play this game. Instead of bullshiting on the forum try to find a villige were you can sell your onions with good profit.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 11:11:13 am by Dalhi »

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #118 on: October 18, 2011, 06:03:36 pm »
There is a difference between multiaccounting (no, no one in GO has or had over 100 warband keys for his own usage  :rolleyes:) and accountsharing which happened in last strategus  :oops:, it means that someone received logins and passwords to over 100 accounts. I was surprised when I saw chadz post, but... well as someone already said numbers grown within months, at some point we had about 130 players. Of course not all of them were active in cRPG, some just in strategus while the others dissaperead after day or two, nothing unusual. Just to make perfectly clear, behind whose warband keys there are real players, we didn't bought over 100 cd keys, I'm to lazy to check who started spreading this bullshit, but it's just your imagination.

About multiaccounting, there were few guys from GO (I'm not sure how many) banned for playing from the same IP adress, and it happened to many others. People have brothers, friends etc. some of them can't play at the same time, as they share same PC, or due to ping issue. You cann't judge with 100% certainitywho is lying about it and who is not. I'm not defending anyone, just sayin'.

This strategus round we are trying to keep as clean and fair as we can. Many things has changed, so we all need to adjust and learn how to actually play this game. Instead of bullshiting on the forum try to find a villige were you can sell your onions with good profit.

Best regards,

You seem to have got slightly mad, I was merely pointing out REGARDLESS of how the 100 accounts on one IP thing worked out, i.e all real accounts or bought specifically for the idea by members of the clan, it's against the rules and it made me laugh.

 It isn't bullshit either, how am I bullshitting when chadz has clearly stated there were 100 accounts from one IP, that's all I stated, I've not stated you guys were growing marijuana and using autoblock, so I don't see how I am bullshitting anywhere in my post. You broke the rules and that's a fact.

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Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« Reply #119 on: October 18, 2011, 08:09:29 pm »
So How many of the 100 Id's were used to vote in the NA vs EU split?!

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