Hey guys, long time no see.. Not sure if you remember, but my desktop PC fizzled out on me about 6 months ago and I was forced to abandon my beloved crpg. I've since replaced it with a macbook pro which I don't have the patience to figure out how to even put mount and blade let alone crpg on.
I decided to take the broken pc tower in to get looked at a week ago and put it in the car (and left it overnight..) only to find it stolen the next day. Long story short, insurance is sending a check for $1000 for the 4 year old broken PC (yay!) and I might be in the market for a new gaming rig.
Soooooo, was wondering what the current state of crpg was atm. More specifically xbows. From what I've skimmed on the forums, the Arb has been nerfed to uselessness. Is this true, if so, as lame as it may sound, it might alter my decision about what to do with the insurance money..
Hope everyone is well, I do miss you guys.