Author Topic: Suggestion: INT and CHA  (Read 1712 times)

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Suggestion: INT and CHA
« on: October 11, 2011, 08:23:46 pm »
I feel that having Intelligence and Charisma stats could add huge amounts of depth to Strategus (see: the reason most of us play cRPG in the first place), making officers/commanders of various factions playing a more prominent strategic role.

From Intelligence could be derived First Aid/Surgeon (which could, say, increase base troop health in a given battle, or slowly regen health in a radius around the person possessing the skill), Engineering (an engineer placed construction site could take less overall materials to build a given item than one place by someone else, for one), Inventory Management (this could literally determine the amount of equipment you are allowed to lug with you into battle from a default base level at 0 skill), Path-Finding and Spotting (which would affect your/your armies' travel speed and viewing/transfer distance respectively). Intelligence could also still give the old SP bonus of 1 extra skill point per point invested, or some variation of that to make it more viable for a commander to actually fight/defend as well.

From Charisma we would derive the Trade skill (affecting income gained from both caravans and working in a city/fief/castle), Leadership (adding to maximum army size you are able to command from a base level- I see no reason why one man should be able to command an army of 10k with no dissent if he is not an inspiring leader), Prisoner Management (this is contingent on an entirely other suggestion- the ability to take PRISONERS from a battle. say I were to launch an assault on a rival with my bros, there would be a chance, based on my number of deaths or some factor, which would determine whether I would be imprisoned after the conflict, at which point my holder could ransom me back at a set level, or keep me under lock and key to weaken another faction; this skill would determine how likely I am to escape from their clutches, a percent per day or hour which shrinks with each point invested), and Persuasion which could increase the amount of troops collected per hour while recruiting.

Admittedly Charisma is and always has been the weakest of the stats, but I would very much LOVE to see either of these implemented some day, if not soon. I feel that they could add greatly to the depth of Strategus.

Anyhow the above is just an idea. Something to step off of, something to consider. Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 08:26:51 pm by Malaclypse »
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 08:43:49 pm »
This would be great, the biggest challenge in my mind is finding a good way to translate this into c-RPG somehow.

It would suck to have your main be 'strat only' and totally gimped, unless there was a better way to incorporate the different stats in.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 08:44:32 pm »
I feel that having Intelligence and Charisma stats could add huge amounts of depth to Strategus (see: the reason most of us play cRPG in the first place)

I don't know many guys playing crpg because of strat o.O

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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 10:56:26 pm »
Been suggested many times before.

The best solution that came out from them regarding STR/AGI towards INT/CHA is to make them seperate.

When you lvl up you gain one body point and one mind point. Body can increase STR or AGI and mind can uppgrade INT or CHA. Waddya think?
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2011, 11:44:11 pm »
I believe the solution was that Int/Cha stats would be derived from "Strategus XP" that you gained for being in strategus battles, that way you weren't completely gimped in cRPG and during battles.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2011, 12:25:19 am »
I think Int and Cha could also have nice impacts on normal cRPG.Ofc level system would need to be slightly reworked so we dont end up either getting good fighting chars with ZERO skills in anything else or old Grandaddys good in first aid but useless in fight.

For example there could be skills that increase the health or even grant a slight health regeneration to teammates in a radius around the Skill having.Or like suggested in another thread have some engineer skills.Or even give a damage bonus in a certain radius etc.

Would add so much diversity and Roleplaying.I can already see Leaderchars with just enough Agi for good riding skill and a lot of int and cha to support their team etc.

This would ALSO lead to much more teamwork because people would rally around the Leading Chars to gain the advantages, thus forming "Armies".It Would be a rewarding goal for Archers and Crossbowman to try and take out such Chars to benefit their team.

Oh god this would be so goddamn sexy.So many new possibilities!

/edit: chadz could even code that You can first start upping int and cha and their Skills with lvl 30+(Ofc lowering the exp needed to get there), but no other skills and attributes than the int and cha ones.Would give Peoplke that already have fully loomed sets another Nice Goal.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 12:27:09 am by B3RS3RK »
Maybe it woud be better for me to find out where you life and kill you when you are satch a Soziopath. You have enough now.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2011, 01:33:45 am »
Another option might be to have INT/CHA come from their own skill point pool.

So you start with 3 STR, 3 AGI, 3 INT, 3 CHA.

Each level you get 1 point which you can put into either STR or AGI and 1 point you can put into either INT or CHA.  People who don't play strat could simply ignore these extra points, as they will do absolutely nothing for them.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2011, 02:38:52 am »
Another option might be to have INT/CHA come from their own skill point pool.

So you start with 3 STR, 3 AGI, 3 INT, 3 CHA.

Each level you get 1 point which you can put into either STR or AGI and 1 point you can put into either INT or CHA.  People who don't play strat could simply ignore these extra points, as they will do absolutely nothing for them.
Do you... Do you even READ what other people write in the same thread as you, or is everything more than 1 post after OP too far away for you to bother to read?

Quoting myself:
Been suggested many times before.

The best solution that came out from them regarding STR/AGI towards INT/CHA is to make them seperate.

When you lvl up you gain one body point and one mind point. Body can increase STR or AGI and mind can uppgrade INT or CHA. Waddya think?
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2011, 02:50:55 am »
give the ability to convert body points to mind points! So i can play a gimped char that has assloads of int :D:D

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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2011, 03:01:12 am »
give the ability to convert body points to mind points! So i can play a gimped char that has assloads of int :D:D
Well you sure need it to compensate for your RL stats, trololol!

Seriously though. That would be pretty cool too, but I wouldn't want it the other way (mind to body), because it would make some monsters of new builds.
This game isn't about being skillful as much as its about saying things in general chat that enrage people who then go to murder you but in their rage they make dumb mistakes which gets them killed.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #10 on: October 12, 2011, 04:24:16 am »
Did I inspire this? :3
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Offline Malaclypse

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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2011, 05:58:53 am »
Did I inspire this? :3

At least partially, and you definitely inspired me to make my own post out of it. Ever since I started playing cRPG and Strat I've been thinking about these stats. I've always wanted Strategus to just be SP in MP form, and feel that using the gamut of default stats would be a baby step towards it.
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2011, 05:58:53 am »
The problem with these stats (for me) has always been a conceptual one; players already bring their own personal intelligence and charisma to the game. Strength and Agility aren't qualities the player can translate into the game via the mouse, keyboard, and headset (less so with agility, depending on how its defined).

With p2p trading, diplomacy, strategy, and socialization these attributes become redundant and misleading; not measuring a player-character's history of actual intelligence or charisma, but simply relegating the character to a certain role or unlocking abilities.

The more you force statistical choices to outweigh actual player decisions, the less complex and interesting the game will become imo. My point is aimed particularly at leadership and trade.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 06:00:15 am by ArchonAlarion »

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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2011, 06:53:04 am »
The problem with these stats (for me) has always been a conceptual one; players already bring their own personal intelligence and charisma to the game. Strength and Agility aren't qualities the player can translate into the game via the mouse, keyboard, and headset (less so with agility, depending on how its defined).

With p2p trading, diplomacy, strategy, and socialization these attributes become redundant and misleading; not measuring a player-character's history of actual intelligence or charisma, but simply relegating the character to a certain role or unlocking abilities.

The more you force statistical choices to outweigh actual player decisions, the less complex and interesting the game will become imo. My point is aimed particularly at leadership and trade.
^touche i agree with this statement it completely changed my mind on the subject it should not be too pivotal to the strategus gameplay
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Re: Suggestion: INT and CHA
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2011, 12:13:37 pm »
Sounds good to me. Would mean people with terribad ping could still play a roll on the strata-field. But perhaps you should have to use real points on it. If you have to use real points you won't end up with a bunch of +13 shielder monks keeping everything alive.

Maybe make INT and CHA have a max of 3 points in each, which lets you put 1 point into a the skills in a various group.

For instance

CHA Skill;

Rallying Call: Re-spawns all dead allies instantly 5min cool down.
Battle Cry: Give all allies +2 PS for 120 seconds.

INT Skill;

Engineer (give it a Jazzier title): Instantly builds 1 construction site 24hr cool down.
Door Bell: Blows the castle door into itty bitty bits 24hr cool down.

I would rebuild my char to be 15/15/3/3 with out a bother to be able to play more of a roll in strat.
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