Hey everyone if you play NA servers youve probably seen me running around with my shield and axe and my funny little throwing spears. Well the other day my account got hacked and now my 5th generation character LL_Centurion_III, i know the III and im gen 5 right so cool

, yeah well thats called digresion, OK so i sent a nice little message to chadz about this with very precise details about my equipment which is all i want back because its like 70000 gold worth of equip with 4 different melee weapons and 2 separate complete sets of armor, I dont care if i need to start level 1 with my char again I just mainly want my stuff. Feel free to discuss the topic of un-deleteble character or something like that because i really would like my stuff back. Just to say i did not delete my character it was someone who somehow hacked onto the page of my guy and then deleted it. Hope you can help me.